Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
This is a Limited Servant Limited
They are only available during special summoning campaigns. When no such campaigns are active, this Servant cannot be summoned.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Japanese Name: メリュジーヌメリュジーヌ; メリュジーヌ・オンディーヌメリュジーヌ・オンディーヌ
AKA:AKA: Mélusine UndineMélusine Undine, Meluko
ID: 390 Cost: 16
ATK:ATK: 1,776/11,495 HP:HP: 1,980/13,500
Lv.100 Grail ATK:Lv.100 Grail ATK: 12,583 Lv.100 Grail HP:Lv.100 Grail HP: 14,790
Lv.120 Grail ATK:Lv.120 Grail ATK: 14,770 Lv.120 Grail HP:Lv.120 Grail HP: 17,382
Voice Actor: Kōno Marika Illustrator: CHOCO
Attribute: Earth Growth Curve: Reverse S
Critabsup Star Absorption:Critabsup Star Absorption:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Star Absorption: 102 Stargainup Star Generation:Stargainup Star Generation:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Star Generation: 10.4%
Npchargeup NP Charge ATK:Npchargeup NP Charge ATK:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= NP Charge ATK: 0.42% NPGainUpDmg NP Charge DEF:NPGainUpDmg NP Charge DEF:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= NP Charge DEF: 3%
Instapowerup Death Rate:Instapowerup Death Rate:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Death Rate: 24.5% Alignments: NeutralEvil
Gender: Female
Basic Traits: Animal Characteristics ServantDemonic Beast ServantDragonEnuma Elish NullificationFaeFairy Tale ServantHumanoidImmune to PigifyLoved OneNon-Hominidae ServantRidingServantSummer Mode Servant
┗ Stage 3: Levitating Servant
Hits:  Quick Hits5  |  Arts Hits3  |  Buster Hits3  |  Extra Hits5
Active Skills Passive Skills Append Skills Noble Phantasm Ascension
Skill Upgrade Stats Bond Level Biography Trivia

Active Skills

Available from the start
Increases own Arts performance for 3 turns.
Increases own critical damage for 3 turns.
Increases own damage against enemies with Chaotic Alignment for 3 turns.
Reduces party's damage taken except self for 3 turns.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Artsupstatus Arts + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
Critdmgup Crit Damage + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
Powerup vs. Chaotic Damage + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
Defenseup Damage Taken - 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000
Cooldown 8 7 6

Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Increases own critical star absorption for 3 turns.
Gains critical stars every turn for 3 turns.
Gains critical stars every turn on Watersidefield Waterside or Airspace Battlefield for 3 turns.
GainStars Gains 10 critical stars.
GainStars Gains 20 critical stars on Watersidefield Waterside or Airspace Battlefield.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Critabsup Absorption + 300% 320% 340% 360% 380% 400% 420% 440% 460% 500%
Stargainturn Star Regen + 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10
Stargainturn Waterside or Airspace Star Regen + 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20
Cooldown 7 6 5

Unlocks after 3rd Ascension
Ray Horizon
Charges own NP gauge.
Increases own NP damage for 3 turns.
Invincible Grants self Invincibility for 2 attacks, 3 turns.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
NpCharge NP + 50% 53% 56% 59% 62% 65% 68% 71% 74% 80%
Nppowerup NP Damage + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
Cooldown 8 7 6

Passive Skills

1 Anti magic Magic Resistance B
Resistanceup Increases own debuff resistance by 17.5%.
2 Riding Riding A+
Quickupstatus Increases own Quick performance by 11%.
3 Critdmg Faerie Knight C
Critdmgup Increases own critical damage against enemies with Man Attribute by 12%.

Append Skills

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Damageup Extra Attack Finesse Improvement
Increases own Extra Attack performance.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Extraattackup Extra Attack + 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Startnp Mana Loading
Starts battle with NP gauge charged.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
NpCharge NP + 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Atk up Anti-Saber Attack Damage Aptitude
Increases own attack against Class-Saber-Gold Saber enemies.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Attackup vs. Saber Attack + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Critdmg Special Attack Finesse Improvement
Increases own critical damage.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Critdmgup Crit Damage + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Skillreloading Skill Reloading
Reduces the cooldown of the skill by 1 after activation for N times. (Once per skill)
(N: Based on Skill Level.)
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Skillcooldown Reduction Available Count + 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3

Noble Phantasm

Base Damage: x1.0
Rank Noble Phantasm Type
B Anti-Army
Hits Per Hit Percentage
5 6%, 13%, 20%, 26%, 35%
Effect Critdmgup Increases own critical damage by 30% for 3 turns. (Activates first)(Activates first)
Deals damage to all enemies.
Powerup Deals 150% extra damage against enemies with Earth Attribute.Powerup Deals 150% extra damage against enemies with Earth Attribute. Tooltip for 25px|link= Deals 150% extra damage against enemies with Earth Attribute.
NP Level 1 2 3 4 5
Powerup Damage + 450% 600% 675% 712.5% 750%
Overcharge Effect Increases own attack for 3 turns. (Activates first)(Activates first)
Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
Attackup Attack + 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%


Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Archer piece5 Lancer piece5 Rider piece5 QPicon100,000
2nd Saber piece5 Caster piece5 Assassin piece5 Berserker piece5 QPicon300,000
3rd Archer monument5 Lancer monument5 Rider monument5 QPicon1,000,000
4th Saber monument5 Caster monument5 Assassin monument5 Berserker monument5 QPicon3,000,000

Skill Reinforcement

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Shining Gem of Bows5 Shining Gem of Lances5 Shining Gem of Cavalry5 QPicon200,000
2nd Shining Gem of Swords5 Shining Gem of Spells5 Shining Gem of Killing5 Shining Gem of Madness5 QPicon400,000
3rd Magic Gem of Bows5 Magic Gem of Lances5 Magic Gem of Cavalry5 QPicon1,200,000
4th Magic Gem of Swords5 Magic Gem of Spells5 Magic Gem of Killing5 Magic Gem of Madness5 QPicon1,600,000
5th Secret Gem of Bows5 Secret Gem of Lances5 Secret Gem of Cavalry5 QPicon4,000,000
6th Secret Gem of Swords5 Secret Gem of Spells5 Secret Gem of Killing5 Secret Gem of Madness5 QPicon5,000,000
7th Seashell of Reminiscence12 QPicon10,000,000
8th Dragon's Reverse Scale15 QPicon12,000,000
9th Crystallized Lore1 QPicon20,000,000

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Shining Gem of Bows5 Shining Gem of Lances5 Shining Gem of Cavalry5 QPicon200,000
2nd Shining Gem of Swords5 Shining Gem of Spells5 Shining Gem of Killing5 Shining Gem of Madness5 QPicon400,000
3rd Magic Gem of Bows5 Magic Gem of Lances5 Magic Gem of Cavalry5 QPicon1,200,000
4th Magic Gem of Swords5 Magic Gem of Spells5 Magic Gem of Killing5 Magic Gem of Madness5 QPicon1,600,000
5th Secret Gem of Bows5 Secret Gem of Lances5 Secret Gem of Cavalry5 QPicon4,000,000
6th Secret Gem of Swords5 Secret Gem of Spells5 Secret Gem of Killing5 Secret Gem of Madness5 QPicon5,000,000
7th Medal of Great Knight30 QPicon10,000,000
8th Scales of Fantasies30 QPicon12,000,000
9th Crystallized Lore1 QPicon20,000,000


Strength:Strength: C
Endurance:Endurance: B
Agility:Agility: EX
Mana:Mana: B
Luck:Luck: A+

Bond Level

Bond Level 1 BondLevel1 2 BondLevel2 3 BondLevel3 4 BondLevel4 5 BondLevel5 6 BondLevel6 7 BondLevel7 8 BondLevel8 9 BondLevel9 10 BondLevel10
Bond Required 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 300,000 300,000 320,000 240,000 380,000
Total Bond 1,000 2,500 4,500 7,000 10,000 310,000 610,000 930,000 1,170,000 1,550,000
Rewards ServantCoin3905 ServantCoin3905 ServantCoin3905 ServantCoin3905 ServantCoin3905 ServantCoin3905 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin39020 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin39020 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin39020 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin39040
Max Bond Craft Essence Bond CE
Bond 10 Craft Essence CEIcon1912 A Trophy Awarded to You
When equipped on Mélusine (Ruler):
Critdmgup Increases party's critical damage by 20%,
Critdmgup Increases party's critical damage by 10% on Watersidefield Waterside or Airspace Battlefield
while self is on the field.
Chaldean Visionary Flames [?][?]
11 BondLevel1 12 BondLevel2 13 BondLevel3 14 BondLevel4 15 BondLevel5
1,090,000 1,230,000 1,360,000 1,500,000 1,640,000
2,640,000 3,870,000 5,230,000 6,730,000 8,370,000
Rewards ServantCoin39050 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin39060 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin39060 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin39060 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin39060 Saintquartz30


Unlock Description Translation🛈🛈
Default 女王モルガンのお付きのひとりとして、南国の楽園に遊びに来たメリュジーヌ。

行く前はイヤイヤだったが、いざ現地についたらあまりの解放感に野生の本能(人生楽しい! 遊ばなきゃ!)と、竜の宿命(恋人と最高の思い出を!)が目覚めてしまった。


Fan Translation: As one of Queen Morgan's retainers, Melusine came to the southern paradise to play around.
She was acting all unwilling before setting off, but as soon as they reached their destination, she awakened to her wild instincts (Life is so fun! You must enjoy yourself!) and the destiny of dragons (Create the best memories with your lover!).

Having decided so, her usual Lancer class was somewhat too boorish.
Having changed to a class more suitable for a vacation, she made perfect preparations for intercepting her Master.

Bond 1 身長/体重:147cm・20kg

属性:中立・悪  副属性:地  性別:雌型

Fan Translation: Height/Weight: 147cm/20kg
Source: French faerie history, Melusine's legends
Location: Dark Marsh
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Attribute: Earth
Gender: Female
"I don't hate swimsuits, but I refuse to swim. It's not like I can't swim. There's just a difference in water quality between a lake and a sea, right?"

Bond 2 ○性格





Fan Translation:Personality
Withdrawn, but active.
A go-getter who quickly performs what needs to be done while keeping her feelings to herself.
...that's how Melusine is as a Lancer (Faerie Knight), but the current Melusine attaches no importance to her position as a knight.
After all, she's on summer vacation.
The southern country's sense of liberation blew away Melusine's "self-torturing" part, changing her personality from "frank, lonely, deeply jealous and self-torturing" to "frank, reliable, thoughtful and energetic" (Of course, after the trip is over, she will return to the former).

She smiles and laughs more often than the usual Melusine, can show consideration for others, and, since she has the energy to spare, she is proactively working as a rescue-person to show off how great she is.
She is actively enjoying Summer as a faerie in her first and second ascensions and she's making great efforts as an imposing dragon protecting the public safety of Summer in her third ascension.

Bond 3 ○対魔力:B





Fan Translation:Magic Resistance B Regardless of class, a Faerie Knight possesses powerful magic resistance.

Territory Creation - By using the sky as her bed (nest), she broke away from the special characteristic of turning her resting place into a "dreary forest lake".

Faerie Knight C The divine protection of being chosen as a protector of the fae folk. It's a self-strengthening specialized for anti-unit and anti-civilization, but it forbids attacks against other "Faerie Knights" and a Faerie Knight that kills another Faerie Knight will destroy themselves. ...However since they are on a vacation right now, it has weakened considerably.

Riding A Since Melusine can fly in the air, she does not "ride" anything, however, as a highly mobile combat faerie, she possesses the Riding skill. Her newly-installed wings (Faerie Pack) are her "vehicle".

Bond 4 ○フェアリーパック:A




Fan Translation:Faerie Pack A
No one should get injured or get into an accident in a resort.
After all, it would spoil Melusine's vacation with her lover.
The super-strong dragon who claims to be able to read the mood does not only boast of her strength; she also transformed her wings into ones that are mainly used for combat/relief activities at the sea.
In addition to her menacing mobility, she can also rescue (protect) those in need, you know.

Azure Sky Arms Mastery A
She can perfectly display the combat techniques she has acquired without getting unsteady even on the sandy beach.
Its base values are lower than that of her Lancer version's "Perry Dancer", but it surpasses it on the beach, on the water, and in the sky.

Blue Horizon EX
For a conqueror of the skies, the horizon of the land and the horizon of the waters are not that different.
Albion's outstanding ability to convert Record Belts carved into the "Boundary" into Spiritrons.
A combination of the effects of the first, second, and third Saint Graphs of her Lancer version's "Ley Horizon" (obviously, its output has been reduced).

Bond 5 『虹を架ける、無垢なる鼓動』

ランク:B 種別:対軍宝具
レンジ:40~80 最大捕捉:30人


 知ってるでしょ? ここぞとばかりにダ・ヴィンチに

Fan Translation: The Unspoiled Heartbeat That Builds A Rainbow
Rank: B
Classification: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 40~80
Max. number of targets: 30

Sprite Albion.
An all-out attack from Melusine who took off from the Storm Border after replacing her externally deployed armaments from the Faerie Pack to the Dragon Pack and unleashed her full firepower on the target(s).
The attack's flight velocity may or may not easily reach Mach 10.
"The costs of remodeling the Border were paid by me. You know how things like a dragon's outer skin, claw, tears, etc. can be used as mana resources, right? I took my chance to sell them to Da Vinci at a high price, you see."

Clear Servant Summer Festival! 2023 & Bond 5
Extra レイシフトしてすぐの話。









Fan Translation: This is something that happened right after we have finished Rayshifting.
Having become depressed from being unable to participate in the ServaFes being held on Hawatolia (she was completely hopeless at such creative activities), Morgan-sama told Melusine the following:
"Then, how about doing rescue activities? With your wings, you could solve any accident occurring on the sea."
Such a suggestion helped her recover immediately and Melusine become the one and only coast guard knight of Hawatolia.
However, her tendency to slack off remained unchanged; she spends her morning napping in the VIP room with the curtains drawn and lounges on the beach sunbathing in the afternoons.
She hates saltwater so she won't enter the sea, but she enjoys splashing water on each other with Master in the shallows.
This time, she does not transform into her dragon form, instead she switched to using those resources on the exterior───on creating all kinds of rescue implements.
That is why she has loads of external units such as missiles, water skis, and first-aid kits.

It was as Morgan's representative that she entered the Earthman Race.
Morgan thought it would be common sense that Melusine's victory meant the victory prize would be Morgan's, but without even trying to comprehend what "representative" meant or what the position entailed, Melusine was genuinely elated that "Her Majesty Morgan is so generous to hold a race where the outcome is so clear just to arrange a vacation for Master and me~☆"
Master's victory of the race preventing this lamentable difference in understandings from being discovered was the only silver lining.


Mélusine (Ruler) was available for summoning during the

Servant Summer Festival! 2023 Summoning Campaign III


  • She shares the exact ATK values at both minimum and maximum with both Sherlock Holmes and Uesugi Kenshin.
  • She is one of the 3 characters has the highest ATK values out of all Rulers.
  • SR-91 Aurora appeared in her first ascension background. This plane that doesn't really exist.
  • Cosmic tree of Britain - Seyfert appeared in her 2nd ascension background. It's hidden behind the clouds and a bit hard to see.
  • Storm Border appears in her NP animation and her 3rd ascension background.
  • In her NP animation, there is a small chance that an octopus will appear on one of her rockets and a crab at the end of the NP.