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Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
This is a Friend Point Craft Essence Fpce
This Craft Essence can only be obtained through Friend Point Summoning.
Craft Essence
★ ★ ★

Light of Intellect

Original Name: 叡智の光エイチノヒカリ
AKA:AKA: Light of WisdomLight of Wisdom
ID: 775 Illustrator: Honojiro Towoji
ATK:ATK: 200/1000 HP:HP: 0/0
Cost: 5 Max Level: 60
Artsup Normal Effect
Artsupstatus Increases Arts performance by 5%.
Npchargeup Increases NP generation rate by 3%.
Max Limit Break Effect
Artsupstatus Increases Arts performance by 8%.
Npchargeup Increases NP generation rate by 5%.

This Craft Essence became available on Anastasia Lostbelt Release.


Description Translation🛈🛈



NA Localization: Golems are artificial soldiers composed of rocks or trees and the like.
Under the guidance of his teacher, the young boy's eyes twinkled with an excited light; he was in pursuit of molding a truly superior golem.

But beware...such intense light can at times be blinding.

Fan Translation: Golem, artificial soldier that has been constructed with stones and trees.
"Teacher" is directed to, is day-to-day aimed at higher-order casting, harboring the light in the boy's eyes.

However, strong light sometimes dazzles the eyes of the people.

Cards with Similar Effects


  • This Craft Essence features Roche Frain Yggdmillennia and Avicebron.
  • This Craft Essence is moved from the normal Summoning Pool to Friend Point Summoning Pool after June 29, 2019 12:59 JST.