Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Mahoyo after night

Event Duration: April 26, 2024 20:00 ~ May 17, 2024 12:59 JSTKumano Hot Springs Killer Case
Title: Witch on the Holy Night x Fate/Grand Order Collaboration Event (魔法使いの夜×Fate/Grand Orderコラボレーションイベント??)
Witch on the Holy Night/After Night: Kumano Hot Springs Killer Case ~Robin Witnessed It! The Magician Dies Once More~ (魔法使いの夜アフターナイト/隈乃温泉殺人事件 ~駒鳥は見た! 魔法使いは二度死ぬ~??)

Mahoyo Prologue

Event Schedule

Quest Duration
Main Quest Act 0 ~ 1
Free Quest
April 26, 2024 20:00 ~ May 17, 2024 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 2
Free Quest
April 27, 2024 18:00 ~ May 17, 2024 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 3
Free Quest
April 28, 2024 18:00 ~ May 17, 2024 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 4
Free Quest
April 29, 2024 18:00 ~ May 17, 2024 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 5
Free Quest
April 30, 2024 18:00 ~ May 17, 2024 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 6
Free Quest
May 1, 2024 18:00 ~ May 17, 2024 12:59 JST

New Limited Servants

Summonable Servants
S413Info S415Info
Aozaki Aoko Kuonji Alice
Event-Reward Servant
Shizuki Sōjūrō

Shizuki Sōjūrō EXP x2

  • During the event, he gains double EXP when Leveling

New Mystic Code

Mahoyo Mystic Code

Misaki High School Uniform (三咲高校学生服??)


Event Map

Golden Week Onsen: Kumano (五月連休温泉 隈乃??)

Kumano Event Map

Promotional Materials


Event Mechanics
  • Clear missions to earn Exorcism Point Exorcism Points and other rewards
  • Unlock new Main Quests by acquiring Exorcism Point Exorcism Points
  • Get items by exchanging the event currencies Antique Paper Lantern Antique Paper Lantern, Hot Springs Milk Hot Springs Milk, and Talisman with a Shady History Talisman with a Shady History in Shop
  • Earn additional drops from free quests by choosing optimal party lineups based on quest hints


Event Servants
Damage Bonus Bond Bonus Servant
S415A1Icon S414A1Icon S413A1Icon
S302A1Icon S091A1Icon S200A1Icon S395A1Icon S380A1Icon S305A1Icon S268A1Icon S336A1Icon
Party +5%
S269A1Icon S095A1Icon S017A1Icon

Event CE
CE2045 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hot Springs Table Tennis

ATK: 500/2000
HP: 0/0

  • Increases Quick performance by 6%.
  • Increases Buster performance by 6%.
  • Increases damage against enemies of Chaotic-Alignment by 15%.
  • Starts battle with 30% NP gauge.

  • Powerup +100% (MLB: +200%)
Craft Essence EXP Cards
CE2046 ★ ★ ★ ★
Strange Twins
  • Provides 30,000 EXP for craft essences
CE2047 ★ ★ ★
Chatty Detective Robin
  • Provides 18,000 EXP for craft essences
Event Command Codes
CC169 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mechanical Sorceress
  • Deals 20% additional damage against enemies with Stun, Bound, or Petrify debuffs.
  • Gains 3 critical stars when attacking with the engraved card.
CC168 ★ ★ ★ ★
Anti-Magecraft Armour Rocket Launcher
  • Increases damage against enemies of Evil-Alignment by 20%.
CC167 ★ ★ ★
Lucky Blue Bird
  • Increases star absorption by 25% for the engraved card.
  • Increases NP gain by 3% when attacking with the engraved card.

  • Duration: April 26, 2024 20:00 ~ May 17, 2024 12:59 JST

Login Bonus

Login Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Present Golden Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple
Login Days 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Present Golden Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple
Login Days 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Present Golden Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple

Form Change Viewer

  • Servants with alternate Noble Phantasm forms can now viewed from the Servant Details screen.
Mahoyo Update1

Strengthening Quests

Asagami Fujino STQ2

  • Clairvoyance (Darkness) C to C++
    • Ignores evasion for 3 turns.
    • Charges own NP gauge, [New Effect]
    • Gains critical stars.

Calamity Jane STQ1

  • New skill: Sabotage B to Goddess' Chaperone B
    • Reduces all enemies' attack by 10% for 3 turns.
    • Reduces their defense for 3 turns. [New Effect]
    • Gains 10 critical stars. [New Effect]
    • 30% chance to gain 10 additional critical stars. [New Effect]
    • 30% chance to gain 10 additional critical stars. [New Effect]
    • 30% chance to gain 10 additional critical stars. [New Effect]
    • 30% chance to gain 10 additional critical stars. [New Effect]

No. Mission Reward To Unlock
1 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 1 Golden Apple
2 Investigate one of the 5 Mysteries: "Old Building's Eternal Hallway" Summon Ticket QPicon10M Exorcism Point2,000 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 6
3 Investigate one of the 5 Mysteries: "Devil's Classroom" Summon Ticket QPicon10M Exorcism Point2,000 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 6
4 Investigate one of the 5 Mysteries: "Reverse Transcribing Mirror" Summon Ticket QPicon10M Exorcism Point2,000 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 6
5 Investigate one of the 5 Mysteries: "Hanging Author" Summon Ticket QPicon10M Exorcism Point2,000 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 6
6 Investigate one of the 5 Mysteries: "Ms. Bowl's Return Trip" Summon Ticket QPicon10M Exorcism Point2,000 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 6
7 Clear Act 8 Crystallized Lore Clear Act 7
05/01/2024 18:00 JST
8 Clear any free quest 1 time. MCIcon Misaki High School Uniform MMCIcon Misaki High School Uniform F Misaki High School Uniform Claim Mission 1
9 Acquire Exorcism Point200 Punishment Choker Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 2
10 Acquire Exorcism Point700 Unforgettable Ashes5 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act)
11 Acquire Exorcism Point1,000 Shining Gem of Swords Clear Act 2 Arrow 4
12 Acquire Exorcism Point4,000 Mana prism100 Clear Act 2
13 Acquire Exorcism Point4,500 CEIcon2046 Clear Act 3 Arrow 2
04/28/24 18:00 JST
14 Acquire Exorcism Point5,000 SpiritTourLeaf50 Clear Act 3 Arrow 5
04/28/24 18:00 JST
15 Acquire Exorcism Point9,000 Golden Apple Clear Act 3
04/28/24 18:00 JST
16 Acquire Exorcism Point10,000 Ghost lantern Clear Act 4 Arrow 2
04/29/24 18:00 JST
17 Acquire Exorcism Point13,000 CCIcon168 Clear Act 4 Arrow 7
04/29/24 18:00 JST
18 Acquire Exorcism Point14,000 Rainbow Yarn Clear Act 4
04/29/24 18:00 JST
19 Acquire Exorcism Point15,000 DawnlightReactorCoreIcon Clear Act 5 Arrow 1
04/30/24 18:00 JST
20 Acquire Exorcism Point22,500 Mana prism100 Clear Act 5
04/30/24 18:00 JST
Rayshift Me ▲

No. Mission Reward To Unlock
21 Acquire Exorcism Point26,000 Secret Gem of Spells5 Clear Act 8
05/01/24 18:00 JST
22 Acquire Exorcism Point29,000 QPicon6M Clear Act 8
05/01/24 18:00 JST
23 Acquire Exorcism Point33,000 Heart of a foreign god5 Clear Act 8
05/01/24 18:00 JST
24 Defeat 20 Assassin-class enemies. Unlucky bone5 Exorcism Point100 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 2
25 Defeat 20 Berserker-class enemies. Iron Stake5 Exorcism Point200 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act)
26 Defeat 40 Berserker-class enemies. CEIcon2047 Exorcism Point200 Claim Mission 25
27 Defeat 60 Berserker-class enemies. Aurora Steel5 Exorcism Point200 Claim Mission 26
28 Defeat 80 Berserker-class enemies. Buster Code Opener Exorcism Point200 Claim Mission 27
29 Defeat 20 Caster-class enemies. Shining Gem of Spells5 Exorcism Point500 Clear Act 3
04/28/24 18:00 JST
30 Defeat 40 Caster-class enemies. Mana prism100 Exorcism Point500 Claim Mission 29
31 Defeat 60 Caster-class enemies. Infinity Gear5 Exorcism Point500 Claim Mission 30
32 Defeat 80 Caster-class enemies. Arts Code Opener Exorcism Point500 Claim Mission 31
33 Defeat 30 Earth-Attribute enemies. Iron Stake5 Exorcism Point100 Claim Mission 1
34 Defeat 60 Earth-Attribute enemies. Mana prism100 Exorcism Point100 Claim Mission 33
35 Defeat 90 Earth-Attribute enemies. Fruit Of Longevity5 Exorcism Point100 Claim Mission 34
36 Defeat 30 Sky-Attribute enemies. Unforgettable Ashes5 Exorcism Point200 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act)
37 Defeat 60 Sky-Attribute enemies. CEIcon2047 Exorcism Point200 Claim Mission 36
38 Defeat 90 Sky-Attribute enemies. Spiritroot5 Exorcism Point200 Claim Mission 37
39 Defeat 30 Demonic-Trait enemies. Unlucky bone5 Exorcism Point100 Claim Mission 1
40 Defeat 60 Demonic-Trait enemies. Magic Gem of Spells5 Exorcism Point100 Claim Mission 39
Rayshift Me ▲

No. Mission Reward To Unlock
41 Defeat 90 Demonic-Trait enemies. QPicon6M Exorcism Point100 Claim Mission 40
42 Defeat 30 Mechanical-Trait enemies. Infinity Gear5 Exorcism Point500 Clear Act 3
04/28/24 18:00 JST
43 Defeat 50 Mechanical-Trait enemies. Mana prism100 Exorcism Point500 Claim Mission 42
44 Defeat 70 Mechanical-Trait enemies. Heart of a foreign god5 Exorcism Point500 Claim Mission 43
45 Defeat 6 Super Large-Trait enemies. Magic Gem of Swords5 Exorcism Point700 Clear Act 4 Arrow 7
04/29/24 18:00 JST
46 Defeat 9 Super Large-Trait enemies. QPicon6M Exorcism Point700 Claim Mission 45
47 Defeat 12 Super Large-Trait enemies. Spiritroot5 Exorcism Point700 Claim Mission 46
48 Defeat 3 Fae-Trait enemies. Mana prism100 Exorcism Point1,100 Clear Act 6 (Closing Act)
05/01/24 18:00 JST
49 Defeat 6 Fae-Trait enemies. QPicon6M Exorcism Point1,100 Claim Mission 48
50 Defeat 9 Fae-Trait enemies. Secret Gem of Swords5 Exorcism Point1,100 Claim Mission 49
51 Defeat 3 Chaotic-Alignment Servants. Magical Cerebrospinal Fluid icon5 Exorcism Point100 Claim Mission 1
52 Defeat 6 Chaotic-Alignment Servants. Mana prism100 Exorcism Point100 Claim Mission 51
53 Defeat 9 Chaotic-Alignment Servants. Fruit Of Longevity5 Exorcism Point100 Claim Mission 52
54 Defeat 3 Lawful-Alignment Servants. Unforgettable Ashes5 Exorcism Point300 Clear Act 2
55 Defeat 6 Lawful-Alignment Servants. Rainbow Yarn5 Exorcism Point300 Claim Mission 54
56 Defeat 5 Divinity-Trait Servants. CEIcon2046 Exorcism Point900 Clear Act 5
04/30/24 18:00 JST
57 Defeat 8 Divinity-Trait Servants. Ghost lantern5 Exorcism Point900 Claim Mission 56
58 Defeat 11 Divinity-Trait Servants. DawnlightReactorCoreIcon5 Exorcism Point900 Claim Mission 57
59 Defeat 3 Neutral-Alignment Servants. Iron Stake5 Exorcism Point100 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 2
60 Defeat 6 Neutral-Alignment Servants. Rainbow Yarn5 Exorcism Point100 Claim Mission 59
Rayshift Me ▲

No. Mission Reward To Unlock
61 Defeat 9 Neutral-Alignment Servants. QPicon6M Exorcism Point100 Claim Mission 60
62 Defeat 4 Male Servants. Magical Cerebrospinal Fluid icon5 Exorcism Point300 Clear Act 2
63 Defeat 7 Male Servants. Aurora Steel5 Exorcism Point300 Claim Mission 62
64 Defeat 10 Male Servants. Quick Code Opener Exorcism Point300 Claim Mission 63
65 Defeat 15 enemies in the Eternal Hallway Free Quest. Unlucky bone5 Exorcism Point300 Clear Act 2
66 Defeat 30 enemies in the Eternal Hallway Free Quest. Infinity Gear5 Exorcism Point300 Claim Mission 65
67 Defeat 15 enemies in the Reference Room Free Quest. Magical Cerebrospinal Fluid icon5 Exorcism Point500 Clear Act 3
04/28/24 18:00 JST
68 Defeat 30 enemies in the Reference Room Free Quest. Mana prism100 Exorcism Point500 Claim Mission 67
69 Defeat 15 enemies in the Reverse Transcribing Room Free Quest. Ghost lantern5 Exorcism Point700 Clear Act 4 Arrow 7
04/29/24 18:00 JST
70 Defeat 30 enemies in the Reverse Transcribing Room Free Quest. QPicon6M Exorcism Point700 Claim Mission 69
71 Defeat 15 enemies in the Camellia Room Free Quest. Mana prism100 Exorcism Point900 Clear Act 5
04/30/24 18:00 JST
72 Defeat 30 enemies in the Camellia Room Free Quest. Fruit Of Longevity5 Exorcism Point900 Claim Mission 71
73 Defeat 15 enemies in the Rear Garden Free Quest. Aurora Steel5 Exorcism Point1,100 Clear Act 6 (Closing Act)
05/01/24 18:00 JST
74 Defeat 30 enemies in the Rear Garden Free Quest. AllHpUpIcon4 Exorcism Point1,100 Claim Mission 73
75 Defeat 15 enemies in the Locked Room Free Quest. QPicon6M Exorcism Point1,600 Clear Act 8
05/01/24 18:00 JST
76 Defeat 30 enemies in the Locked Room Free Quest. AllAtkUpIcon4 Exorcism Point1,600 Claim Mission 75
77 Clear [Great Spectral Emergence!] Tongue-Cut Evil Fox. S414A1Iconpx Claim Mission 21
78 Clear [Great Spectral Emergence!] Deceived by a Bad Dwarf. S414A1Iconpx Claim Mission 22
79 Clear [Great Spectral Emergence!] The Cursed 16 Human Souls. S414A1Iconpx Claim Mission 23
80 Acquire Antique Paper Lantern200 as battle drops. Punishment Choker Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 2
Rayshift Me ▲

No. Mission Reward To Unlock
81 Acquire Antique Paper Lantern400 as battle drops. SpiritTourLeaf50 Claim Mission 80
82 Acquire Antique Paper Lantern600 as battle drops. Heart of a foreign god5 Claim Mission 81
83 Acquire Hot Springs Milk200 as battle drops. Punishment Choker Claim Mission 1
84 Acquire Hot Springs Milk400 as battle drops. SpiritTourLeaf50 Claim Mission 83
85 Acquire Hot Springs Milk600 as battle drops. DawnlightReactorCoreIcon5 Claim Mission 84
86 Acquire Talisman with a Shady History200 as battle drops. Punishment Choker Claim Mission 1
87 Acquire Talisman with a Shady History400 as battle drops. SpiritTourLeaf50 Claim Mission 86
88 Acquire Talisman with a Shady History600 as battle drops. Spiritroot5 Claim Mission 87
89 Ascend Shizuki Sōjūrō 1 time. Shining Gem of Madness5 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 2
90 Ascend Shizuki Sōjūrō 3 times. Mana prism100 Claim Mission 89
91 Raise Shizuki Sōjūrō to Bond Level 3. S414A1Iconpx Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 2
92 Clear quests with Shizuki Sōjūrō 10 times. Magic Gem of Madness5 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 2
93 Clear quests with Shizuki Sōjūrō 15 times. SpiritTourLeaf50 Claim Mission 92
94 Clear quests with Shizuki Sōjūrō 20 times. Secret Gem of Madness5 Claim Mission 93
95 Clear 10 missions. CCIcon167 Claim Mission 1
96 Clear 30 missions. AllHpUpIcon4 Clear Act 1 (Closing Act) Arrow 2
97 Clear 50 missions. AllAtkUpIcon4 Clear Act 2
98 Clear 70 missions. CCIcon169 Clear Act 4 Arrow 7
04/29/24 18:00 JST
99 Clear 90 missions. CEIcon2045 Clear Act 7
05/01/24 18:00 JST
100 Clear all missions. Crystallized Lore Clear Act 8
05/01/24 18:00 JST
Rayshift Me ▲

Antique Paper Lantern Grand Total: 4,200
Item Trade Limit Individual Cost Total Cost
CEIcon2045 2 200 400
ServantCoin41410 16 20 320
Crystallized Lore 1 400 400
AllHpUpIcon4 1 200 200
AllAtkUpIcon4 1 200 200
SpiritTourLeaf10 25 10 250
CodeRemover 1 30 30
Comet Shard 10 30 300
Genesis Egg 10 30 300
Scarab of Wisdom 10 30 300
Flower of the End 20 15 300
Saber monument 20 20 400
Archer monument 20 20 400
Caster monument 20 20 400
QPicon10,000 N/A 2 N/A

Hot Springs Milk Grand Total: 5,000
Item Trade Limit Individual Cost Total Cost
CEIcon2045 1 200 200
ServantCoin41410 16 20 320
Crystallized Lore 1 400 400
AllAtkUpIcon4 1 200 200
SpiritTourLeaf10 25 10 250
CodeRemover 1 30 30
CEIcon2046 10 100 1000
Lamp of Demon Sealing 20 20 400
Phoenix Plume 20 20 400
Ether Photon Converger 20 15 300
Scales of Fantasies 20 15 300
Saber piece 20 20 400
Archer piece 20 20 400
Caster piece 20 20 400
Antique Paper Lantern N/A 10 N/A

Talisman with a Shady History Grand Total: 5,450
Item Trade Limit Individual Cost Total Cost
CEIcon2045 1 200 200
ServantCoin41410 16 20 320
Crystallized Lore 1 400 400
SpiritTourLeaf10 25 10 250
CodeRemover 1 30 30
AllHpUpIcon4 1 200 200
CEIcon2047 10 50 500
AllHpUpIcon3 20 20 400
AllAtkUpIcon3 20 20 400
AllExp5 50 10 500
AllExp4 100 6 600
AllExp3 100 3 300
Divine Spiricle Vein 20 15 300
Giant's Ring 20 15 300
Forbidden Page 20 15 300
Void's Refuse 30 15 450
Hot Springs Milk N/A 10 N/A

Act 0

0. Planetary Terminus 1999
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Act 1

1. Welcome to Kumano Hot Springs (Opening Act)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

1. Welcome to Kumano Hot Springs (Opening Act)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 215
(43 per AP)
(480 per AP)
(191 per AP)
ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Battle 1/3 Green Lycodon
Lvl 7 Class-Lancer-Bronze 4,372 HP
Red Lycodon
Lvl 4 Class-Lancer-Silver 5,925 HP
Battle 2/3 Grey Wolf
Lvl 10 Class-Rider-Bronze 6,021 HP
Black Wild Boar
Lvl 7 Class-Berserker-Silver 6,873 HP
Fatal Battle 3/3 Mountain Monstrosity
Class-Berserker-Gold 123,786 HP
Notable Drops Talisman with a Shady History3 x4
  • PAIR: Only Mashu Kyrielight and one other servant can be used. The quest is failed if Mashu Kyrielight is defeated.
  • Enshrouded in Must (霧が立ち込める??): At the start of the first wave, CritchndownCritchndownTooltip for 25px|link= all servants are debuffed with 10% reduced critical damage.
  • The Mist is Thickening (霧が濃くなってきた??): At the start of the second wave, CritdmgdownCritdmgdownTooltip for 25px|link= all servants are debuffed with an additional 10% reduced critical damage.
  • DmgResistUp Black Mist (黒い煙霧??): Mountain Monstrosity has 90% damage resistance for 10 times, Gutsstatus revive with 100% HP, and Debuffimmune debuff immunity.
  • Unable to See Our Surroundings due to the Smoke (煙で周囲が全く見えない??): At the start of the third wave, CritdmgdownCritdmgdownTooltip for 25px|link= all servants are debuffed with an additional 10% reduced critical damage.
  • "I Cannot Be Defeated Here......!" (「ここは私が……!」??): At the start of the third wave, Mashu Kyrielight buffs herself with DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link= 10% increased defense and GutsstatusGutsstatusTooltip for 25px|link= revive with 30% HP for 1 time.
  • Battle ends after 2 turns have passed on the third wave.

1. Welcome to Kumano Hot Springs (Opening Act)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 215
(43 per AP)
(480 per AP)
(191 per AP)
ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link= DarknessfieldDarknessfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S413A1Icon??? Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Unfinished Blue
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Fatal Battle 1/1 Mountain Monstrosity
Lvl 50 Class-Berserker-Gold 123,786 HP
Notable Drops Rainbow Yarn Antique Paper Lantern3 x2
  • STARTING ONLY: Only Mashu Kyrielight, the support NPC, and one other servant can be used.
  • NpsealNpsealTooltip for 25px|link= Make it count: ??? cannot use her NP.
  • DmgResistUp Black Mist (黒い煙霧??): Mountain Monstrosity has 90% damage resistance for 5 times.
  • Unable to See Our Surroundings due to the Smoke (煙で周囲が全く見えない??): At the start of battle, all servants are debuffed with CritdmgdownCritdmgdownTooltip for 25px|link= 30% reduced critical damage.
  • "Ok, Let's Kick it as Hard as Possible!" (「オッケー、蹴り飛ばすわ!」??): At the start of battle, ??? buffs herself with AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased attack for 5 turns, CritdmgupCritdmgupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased critical damage for 5 turns, GainStars gains 20 critical stars, and StargainturnStargainturnTooltip for 25px|link= gains 15 critical stars every turn for 5 turns.

Kumano Hot Springs Entrance
隈乃温泉入口 1.隈乃温泉にようこそ(前編)
Kumano Hot Springs Entrance 1. Welcome to Kumano Hot Springs (Opening Act)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Hell Shrine
地獄堂 1.隈乃温泉にようこそ(前編)
Hell's Shrine 1. Welcome to Kumano Hot Springs (Opening Act)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 215
(43 per AP)
(480 per AP)
(191 per AP)
DarknessfieldDarknessfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S413A1Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Unfinished Blue
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Battle 1/3 Mountain Deity
Lvl 5 Class-Berserker-Bronze 7,240 HP
Mountain Deity
Lvl 6 Class-Berserker-Bronze 8,104 HP
Mountain Deity
Lvl 6 Class-Berserker-Bronze 8,442 HP
Battle 2/3 Mountain Deity
Lvl 7 Class-Berserker-Bronze 9,645 HP
Mountain Deity
Lvl 6 Class-Berserker-Bronze 8,442 HP
Mountain Deity
Lvl 7 Class-Berserker-Bronze 9,259 HP
Fatal Battle 3/3 Mountain Deity
Lvl 9 Class-Berserker-Bronze 11,570 HP
Mountain Deity
Lvl 8 Class-Berserker-Bronze 13,017 HP
Mountain Deity
Lvl 9 Class-Berserker-Bronze 12,052 HP
Mountain Deity
Lvl 8 Class-Berserker-Bronze 10,847 HP
Mountain Deity
Lvl 9 Class-Berserker-Bronze 12,534 HP
Mountain Deity
Lvl 8 Class-Berserker-Bronze 10,413 HP
Notable Drops Unforgettable Ashes Talisman with a Shady History3 x4
  • SPECIAL PARTY: Mashu Kyrielight must be in the Starting Row of the Party.
  • NpsealNpsealTooltip for 25px|link= Make it count: NPC Aozaki Aoko cannot use her NP.
  • Up to 6 enemies may appear on the field simultaneously.

CEIcon2044 CEIcon2047

Claim Mission 8
Lobby Kumano
ロビー 1.隈乃温泉にようこそ(後編)
Lobby 1. Welcome to Kumano Hot Springs (Closing Act)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Sky Room
天空の間 1.隈乃温泉にようこそ(後編)
Sky Room 1. Welcome to Kumano Hot Springs (Closing Act)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Claim Mission 9
Kumano Hallway
5階廊下 1.隈乃温泉にようこそ(後編)
5F Hallway 1. Welcome to Kumano Hot Springs (Closing Act)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Kumano Hallway
温泉に続く廊下 1.隈乃温泉にようこそ(後編)
Hallway Leading to the Hot Springs 1. Welcome to Kumano Hot Springs (Closing Act)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Reference Room
資料室 1.隈乃温泉にようこそ(後編)
Reference Room 1. Welcome to Kumano Hot Springs (Closing Act)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Locked Room
開かずの間 1.隈乃温泉にようこそ(後編)
Locked Room 1. Welcome to Kumano Hot Springs (Closing Act)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Sky Room
天空の間 1.隈乃温泉にようこそ(後編)
Sky Room 1. Welcome to Kumano Hot Springs (Closing Act)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

S414A1Icon (After Arrow 2)
CEIcon2047 Saintquartz

Act 2

Claim Mission 10
Sky Room
天空の間 2.魔法使い殺人事件
Sky Room 2. Magician Murder Case
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 0
(0 per AP)
(0 per AP)
(0 per AP)
Available NPCS
S413A1Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Unfinished Blue
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Fatal Battle 1/1 ???
Lvl 100 Class-Foreigner-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2 442,000 HP
Notable Drops
  • SOLO: NPC Aozaki Aoko must SOLO this quest. No Command Spells or Master Skills can be used.
  • NpsealNpsealTooltip for 25px|link= Make it count: NPC Aozaki Aoko cannot use her NP.
  • AvoidAvoidTooltip for 25px|link= Only One (オンリーワン??): ??? has evasion, CritchnupCritchnupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased critical chance, and CritdmgupCritdmgupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased critical damage.
  • ???: At the start of battle, ??? buffs itself with HpregenHpregenTooltip for 25px|link= heal 25,000 HP every turn, DelayedBuffDelayedBuffTooltip for 25px|link= 20% chance to Charmstatus Charm an enemy when attacked, GutsstatusGutsstatusTooltip for 25px|link= revives 1 time with 50% HP, DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= 50% resistance against NP attacks, and DebuffimmuneDebuffimmuneTooltip for 25px|link= debuff immunity for 10 times.
  • Battle ends when Aozaki Aoko is defeated.

Large Bath
大浴場 2.魔法使い殺人事件
Large Bath 2. Magician Murder Case
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Sky Room
天空の間 2.魔法使い殺人事件
Sky Room 2. Magician Murder Case
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Claim Mission 11
Kumano Hallway
温泉に続く廊下 2.魔法使い殺人事件
Hallway Leading to the Hot Springs 2. Magician Murder Case
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Sky Room
天空の間 2.魔法使い殺人事件
Sky Room 2. Magician Murder Case
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Kumano Hallway
3階廊下 2.魔法使い殺人事件
3F Hallway 2. Magician Murder Case
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 365
(73 per AP)
(780 per AP)
(763 per AP)
DarknessfieldDarknessfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Battle 1/3 Beaming Defense Mechanism
Lvl 26 Class-Archer-Gold 28,988 HP
Beaming Defense Mechanism
Lvl 25 Class-Archer-Gold 27,882 HP
Battle 2/3 Beaming Defense Mechanism
Lvl 28 Class-Archer-Gold 35,100 HP
Beaming Defense Mechanism
Lvl 27 Class-Archer-Gold 33,856 HP
Fatal Battle 3/3 Beaming Defense Mechanism
Lvl 30 Class-Archer-Gold 41,766 HP
Beaming Defense Mechanism
Lvl 29 Class-Archer-Gold 40,383 HP
Notable Drops Bloodstone Tear Hot Springs Milk3 x3
  • SPECIAL PARTY: Mashu Kyrielight must be in the Starting Row of the Party.
  • Defense Mechanism Starts to Move (防衛機構が 動き出す??): At the start of the first wave, all enemies are buffed with NpgainturnNpgainturnTooltip for 25px|link= charge NP gauge by 1 every turn and NppowerupNppowerupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased NP damage.
  • Strong Pressure from the Evil Spirits (悪霊達の重圧??): At the start of the battle, all servants (including backline) are debuffed with Attackdown 20% reduced attack for 3 turns and Transparent 50% reduced star drop rate for 3 turns.
  • NpgainturnNpgainturnTooltip for 25px|link= Defense Mechanism (防衛機構??): All enemies on waves 2 & 3 have charge NP gauge by 1 every turn and NppowerupNppowerupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased NP damage.

Eternity Hallway
永廊下 2.魔法使い殺人事件
Eternal Hallway 2. Magician Murder Case
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 365
(73 per AP)
(780 per AP)
(763 per AP)
DarknessfieldDarknessfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S413A1Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Unfinished Blue
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Battle 1/3 Beaming Defense Mechanism
Lvl 26 Class-Archer-Gold 28,988 HP
Beaming Defense Mechanism
Lvl 25 Class-Archer-Gold 27,882 HP
Battle 2/3 Beaming Defense Mechanism
Lvl 28 Class-Archer-Gold 35,100 HP
Beaming Defense Mechanism
Lvl 27 Class-Archer-Gold 33,856 HP
Fatal Battle 3/3 Beaming Defense Mechanism
Lvl 30 Class-Archer-Gold 41,766 HP
Beaming Defense Mechanism
Lvl 29 Class-Archer-Gold 40,383 HP
Notable Drops Bloodstone Tear Hot Springs Milk3 x3
  • LIMITED FORMATION: NPC Aozaki Aoko must be in the party. The quest is failed if she is defeated.
  • NpsealNpsealTooltip for 25px|link= Make it count: NPC Aozaki Aoko cannot use her NP.
  • Defense Mechanism Starts to Move (防衛機構が 動き出す??): At the start of the first wave, all enemies are buffed with NpgainturnNpgainturnTooltip for 25px|link= charge NP gauge by 1 every turn and NppowerupNppowerupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased NP damage.
  • "――――Ego Stem, Anchoring" (「――――主観軸、固定」??): At the start of battle, NPC Aozaki Aoko Removedebuff removes all debuffs from self and buffs herself with AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased attack, BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= buff herself every turn with AvoidAvoidTooltip for 25px|link= evade for 2 times, 1 turn, and TransparentTransparentTooltip for 25px|link= order seal.
  • NpgainturnNpgainturnTooltip for 25px|link= Defense Mechanism (防衛機構??): All enemies on waves 2 & 3 have charge NP gauge by 1 every turn and NppowerupNppowerupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased NP damage.
  • Eternal Hallway's Energy Invocation (永廊下の力が 発動する??) "Well then, Let's Go!" (「じゃ、行ってくる!」??): No effect.

Kumano Rotenburo
空中露天風呂 2.魔法使い殺人事件
Mid-Air Open-Air Bath 2. Magician Murder Case
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

CEIcon2047 Saintquartz

Act 3

Claim Mission 12
Sky Room
天空の間 3.温泉では治せない
Sky Room 3. What the Hot Springs Cannot Cure
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Souvenir Department
お土産売り場 3.温泉では治せない
Souvenir Department 3. What the Hot Springs Cannot Cure
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Claim Mission 13
Kumano Hot Springs Entrance
隈乃温泉入口 3.温泉では治せない
Kumano Hot Springs Entrance 3. What the Hot Springs Cannot Cure
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 415
(83 per AP)
(880 per AP)
(1,138 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S305A2IconCaren-chan Level 90
NpLevelIconNP: ???
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/–/8
S415A1Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Great Three, Flat Snark
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Battle 1/3 Demonic Monkey
Lvl 25 Class-Berserker-Bronze 13,316 HP
Demonic Monkey
Lvl 25 Class-Berserker-Bronze 13,316 HP
Scattering Gold Coins
Lvl 21 Class-Lancer-Gold 12,115 HP
Battle 2/3 Scattering Gold Coins
Lvl 22 Class-Lancer-Gold 18,991 HP
Demonic Monkey
Lvl 26 Class-Berserker-Bronze 20,736 HP
Scattering Gold Coins
Lvl 23 Class-Lancer-Gold 19,809 HP
Fatal Battle 3/3 Mysterious Ghost
Lvl 65 Class-Avenger-Silver 87,040 HP
Mysterious Ghost
Lvl 62 Class-Avenger-Silver 74,490 HP
Notable Drops Void's Refusex2 Hot Springs Milk3 x2 Talisman with a Shady History3 x4
  • RESTRICTED FORMATION: NPC Kuonji Alice OR player's own Shizuki Sōjūrō must be in the frontline.
  • Return it to Me Please (返シテクダサイ??): If NPC Caren-chan is in the party at the start of wave 3, Mysterious Ghost buffs himself with Debuffatk when attacking, NpChargeDrain drain opponent's NP gauge by 10% for 5 turns.
  • Found You (見ツケタゼ??): If NPC Caren-chan is in the party at the start of wave 3, Mysterious Ghost buffs himself with Attackup 30% increased attack for 5 turns and Critchnup 10% increased critical chance for 5 turns.
  • "O Lord, May You Pardon Me. As I am Innocent" (「主よ、許し給え。我は潔白なり」??): If NPC Caren-chan is in the party at the start of wave 3, she buffs herself with DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link= overwrite class affinity so she deals and recieves 1x damage from Avenger enemies and AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link= increases her own attack by 30% for 3 turns.

Inverted Room Clear
逆写しの間 3.温泉では治せない
Reverse Transcribing Room 3. What the Hot Springs Cannot Cure
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Sky Room
天空の間 3.温泉では治せない
Sky Room 3. What the Hot Springs Cannot Cure
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Claim Mission 14
Reference Room
資料室 3.温泉では治せない
Reference Room 3. What the Hot Springs Cannot Cure
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 415
(83 per AP)
(880 per AP)
(1,138 per AP)
DarknessfieldDarknessfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S413A1Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Unfinished Blue
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Battle 1/3 Devil Puppet
Lvl 22 Class-Rider-Bronze 15,093 HP
Super Netsuke
Lvl 13 Class-Lancer-Gold 15,091 HP
Devil Puppet
Lvl 21 Class-Rider-Bronze 12,036 HP
Devil Puppet
Lvl 22 Class-Rider-Bronze 16,351 HP
Battle 2/3 Incantation Stick
Lvl 23 Class-Caster-Silver 15,077 HP
Self-Righting Doll
Lvl 24 Class-Lancer-Bronze 14,515 HP
Hell's Worker
Lvl 21 Class-Rider-Silver 15,358 HP
Hell's Worker
Lvl 22 Class-Rider-Silver 19,285 HP
Fatal Battle 3/3 Tomorrow's Mask of Handcuffs
Lvl 32 Class-Caster-Gold 63,086 HP
Tomorrow's Mask of Handcuffs
Lvl 33 Class-Caster-Gold 73,155 HP
Notable Drops Unlucky bonex2 Antique Paper Lantern3 x4 Hot Springs Milk3 Talisman with a Shady History3 x4
  • RESTRICTED FORMATION: Shizuki Sōjūrō cannot be in the party.
  • NpsealNpsealTooltip for 25px|link= Make it count: NPC Aozaki Aoko cannot use her NP.
  • Up to 6 enemies can be on the field simultaneously.
  • DeathDebuffIcon Curse: Development of a Production Duty (祟り:製作義務が発生した??): When any enemy is defeated, they debuff their attacker with Curse Curse of 100 for 5 turns.
  • AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link= Distorted Mould (歪な造形??): Devil Puppets have 20% increased attack Defensedown 20% reduced defense. [Demerit]
  • AvoidAvoidTooltip for 25px|link= Uncanny Flickering and Squirming (怪しく揺れ蠢く??): Super Netsuke has a 15% chance of evading attacks.
  • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Curse Magic (カース・マジック??): When attacking, Incantation Stick debuffs enemies with Curse Curse of 100 for 3 turns.
  • GutsstatusGutsstatusTooltip for 25px|link= High-Speed Erection (高速おきあがり??): Self-Righting Doll revives 1 time with 50% HP and GutsbuffGutsbuffTooltip for 25px|link= after reviving, Critchnup increases own critical chance by 10% for 3 turns.
  • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Neverending Task (終わらぬ作業??): When attacking, Hell's Worker NpChargeDrain drains one enemy's NP gauge by 10% and NpCharge charges own NP gauge by 1.
  • Ancient Good Luck Charm (古代のおまじない??): At the start of wave 3, both Tomorrow's Mask of Handcuffs buff themselves with PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased damage against targets with Curse Curse debuff and debuffs all enemies with CurseDmgUp 50% increased Curse damage for 5 turns.

Reference Room
資料室 3.温泉では治せない
Reference Room 3. What the Hot Springs Cannot Cure
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 415
(83 per AP)
(880 per AP)
(1,138 per AP)
DarknessfieldDarknessfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S413A1Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Unfinished Blue
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Fatal Battle 1/1 God Caren
Lvl 50 Class-Ruler-Gold 106,439 HP
Divine Sculpted One
Lvl 30 Class-Ruler-Gold 93,671 HP
Demonic Dreg
Lvl 29 Class-Caster-Gold 56,500 HP
Notable Drops Genesis Egg Rainbow Yarn Antique Paper Lantern3 x2 Hot Springs Milk3 x4
  • RESTRICTED FORMATION: NPC Aozaki Aoko OR player's own Shizuki Sōjūrō must be in the frontline.
  • NpsealNpsealTooltip for 25px|link= Make it count: NPC Aozaki Aoko cannot use her NP.
  • God Caren's NP is extra attack.
  • "The Ultimate Beauty, That is What Being a Deity Is" (「究極の美、即ち神です」??): At the start of battle, God Caren buffs Divine Sculpted One with DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= when attacking, 20% to debuff one enemy with Charmstatus Charm for 1 turn and buffs herself and Demonic Dreg with DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Sanctuary of Beauty (美の神域??) 50% damage resistance while Divine Sculpted One is on the field.
  • Even Extreme Modification (さらなる魔改造??): At the start of battle, Demonic Dreg buffs Divine Sculpted One with CritchnupCritchnupTooltip for 25px|link= 20% increased critical chance.
  • "For What Reason, Am I, Created" (「なぜ 作った でちゅ」??): If Divine Sculpted One is the only enemy on the field, she will buff herself with PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased damage against enemies with Charmstatus Charm debuffs, HealEffect heals her HP by 50%, and NpCharge charges her NP gauge by 3.

Hell Shrine
地獄堂 3.温泉では治せない
Hell's Shrine 3. What the Hot Springs Cannot Cure
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 415
(83 per AP)
(880 per AP)
(1,138 per AP)
DarknessfieldDarknessfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S415A1Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Great Three, Flat Snark
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
S413A1Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Unfinished Blue
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Fatal Battle 1/1 Bazett The Hardpuncher
Lvl 39 Class-Alterego-Gold 77,207 HP
Notable Drops Divine Spiricle Vein Antique Paper Lantern3 x2
  • Bazett The Hardpuncher's NP is extra attack.
  • DebuffimmuneDebuffimmuneTooltip for 25px|link= Strong Fist (ストロングフィスト??): Bazett The Hardpuncher has immunity to Poison Poison and Burn Burn debuffs, CurseDmgUp 1000% increased effectiveness for Curse Curse debuffs [Demerit], Nppowerdown 75% reduced NP damage [Demerit], and ResistancedownResistancedownTooltip for 25px|link= reduced defense and instant-kill resistance. [Demerit]
  • "It Seems...We Cannot Come to a Discussion with this One" (「話し合いは……できそうにないわね」??): If NPC Kuonji Alice is in the party, at the start of the battle she buffs herself with DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= attack debuff for 5 turns (Debuffs an enemy with Curse Curse of 1000 for 3 turns), NpCharge charges her NP gauge by 50%, and NpgainturnNpgainturnTooltip for 25px|link= charges NP gauge by 25% each turn for 5 turns.
  • "It Seems I Cannot Make You Submit!" (「大人しくさせるしかないみたいね!」??): If NPC Aozaki Aoko is in the party, at the start of the battle she buffs herself with InvinciblepierceInvinciblepierceTooltip for 25px|link= ignore invincibility, AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link= 50% increased attack for 5 turns, GainStars gains 20 critical stars, and TransparentTransparentTooltip for 25px|link= gain 30 critical stars every turn for 5 turns.
  • "I'll Not Hold Back!" (「手加減はしない!」??): At the start of the battle, Bazett The Hardpuncher buffs herself with NPCounterNPCounterTooltip for 25px|link= Fragarach Counter, InvincibleInvincibleTooltip for 25px|link= Invincibility, and GutsstatusGutsstatusTooltip for 25px|link= revive 3 times with 100% HP.
  • "That-, That's Cowardly!" (「ひ、卑怯ですよ!」??): The first time Bazett The Hardpuncher recieves a DelayedBuff Terror debuff, she will remove her InvincibleInvincibleTooltip for 25px|link= Invincibility and GutsstatusGutsstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Guts buffs and Defensedown reduce her defense by 30% for 5 turns. [Demerit]

Sky Room
天空の間 3.温泉では治せない
Sky Room 3. What the Hot Springs Cannot Cure
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

CEIcon2047 Saintquartz

Act 4

Claim Mission 15
Large Bath
大浴場 4.そして誰もいなくなったッズ
Large Bath 4. And Then There Were None
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Inverted Room Clear
逆写しの間 4.そして誰もいなくなったッズ
Reverse Transcribing Room 4. And Then There Were None
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0
  • GAME OVER: No matter how many times you repeat this quest, it cannot be cleared.

Claim Mission 16
Kumano Hallway
2階廊下 4.そして誰もいなくなったッズ
2F Hallway 4. And Then There Were None
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Inverted Room Clear
逆写しの間 4.そして誰もいなくなったッズ
Reverse Transcribing Room 4. And Then There Were None
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0
  • GAME OVER: No matter how many times you repeat this quest, it cannot be cleared.

Kumano Hallway
5階廊下 4.そして誰もいなくなったッズ
5F Hallway 4. And Then There Were None
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Inverted Room Clear
逆写しの間 4.そして誰もいなくなったッズ
Reverse Transcribing Room 4. And Then There Were None
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0
  • GAME OVER: No matter how many times you repeat this quest, it cannot be cleared.

Sky Room
天空の間 4.そして誰もいなくなったッズ
Sky Room 4. And Then There Were None
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Large Bath
大浴場 4.そして誰もいなくなったッズ
Large Bath 4. And Then There Were None
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Inverted Room Clear
逆写しの間 4.そして誰もいなくなったッズ
Reverse Transcribing Room 4. And Then There Were None
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 515
(103 per AP)
(1,080 per AP)
(2,038 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Reverse Transcribing Apparition
Lvl 75 Class-Caster-Gold Lifebar1 121,120 HP
Notable Drops Tsukumo Mirror Antique Paper Lantern3 x2
  • RESTRICTED FORMATION: Player's own Shizuki Sōjūrō must be in the frontline.
  • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Dark Power (ダークパワー??): When attacking, Reverse Transcribing Apparition NpChargeDrain drains 10% NP gauge from an enemy.
  • "The Make-Believe Game Begins, Now" (「さぁ、ごっこ遊びを始めましょう」??): At the start of the battle, Reverse Transcribing Apparition debuffs all enemies (including backline) with DebuffatkonselfDebuffatkonselfTooltip for 25px|link= when attacking, HpDrainEffect drains own HP by 200 without killing and buffs herself with DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link= 50% increased defense for 10 times.
  • "Leave Your Back to Me, Master" (「背中は任せたぞ、マスター」??): At the start of the battle, Shizuki Sōjūrō buffs himself with CritabsupCritabsupTooltip for 25px|link= 3000% increased star absorption for 5 turns, CritdmgupCritdmgupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased critical damage for 5 turns, StargainturnStargainturnTooltip for 25px|link= gain 10 stars every turn for 5 turns, and GainStars gains 20 critical stars.
  • Lifebar0 "Enjoy. The Tragedy has Just Begun" (「楽しんで。惨劇はここからよ」??): Reverse Transcribing Apparition debuffs all enemies with DelayedDebuff Terror (Stunstatus 30% chance to stun self for 1 turn) for 1 time, 5 turns and buffs hserself with DelayedBuffDelayedBuffTooltip for 25px|link= when attacked, HpDrainEffect drains 300 HP without killing from attacker and NpgainturnNpgainturnTooltip for 25px|link= charges NP gauge by 1 every turn.

Claim Mission 17
Sky Room
天空の間 4.そして誰もいなくなったッズ
Sky Room 4. And Then There Were None
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Kumano Rotenburo
空中露天風呂 4.そして誰もいなくなったッズ
Mid-Air Open-Air Bath 4. And Then There Were None
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

CEIcon2047 Saintquartz

Act 5

Claim Mission 18
Large Bath
大浴場 5.名探偵一刀両断
Large Bath 5. Cutting a Great Detective into Two with a Single Stroke
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Claim Mission 19
Kumano Hallway
5階廊下 5.名探偵一刀両断
5F Hallway 5. Cutting a Great Detective into Two with a Single Stroke
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Lobby Kumano
ロビー 5.名探偵一刀両断
Lobby 5. Cutting a Great Detective into Two with a Single Stroke
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Camellia Room
椿の間 5.名探偵一刀両断
Camellia Room 5. Cutting a Great Detective into Two with a Single Stroke
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 615
(123 per AP)
(1,280 per AP)
(3,138 per AP)
DarknessfieldDarknessfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S091A1IconRyōgi-san Level 90, NP3UpgradeIconText
NpLevelIconNP: Amalavijñāna - Boundary of Emptiness
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
S413A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Unfinished Blue
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Fatal Battle 1/1 Locked Room Mystery
Lvl 65 Class-Caster-Silver Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3 87,256 HP
Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0 118,986 HP
Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0 158,648 HP
Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 198,310 HP
Notable Drops Forbidden Pagex3 Antique Paper Lantern3 x3
  • RESTRICTED FORMATION: NPCs Ryōgi-san and Aozaki Aoko must be in the frontline along with the player's own Shizuki Sōjūrō.
  • NpsealNpsealTooltip for 25px|link= Make it count: NPC Aozaki Aoko cannot use her NP.
  • Author's Talk (作家の噺??): At the start of battle, Locked Room Mystery debuffs all enemies (including backline) with ResistancedownResistancedownTooltip for 25px|link= 50% reduced debuff resistance for 5 turns.
  • "Let's Send it Flying!" (「とばしていくわ!」??): At the start of battle, NPC Aozaki Aoko buffs herself with AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased attack for 5 turns and StargainturnStargainturnTooltip for 25px|link= gains 15 critical stars every turn for 5 turns, and GainStars gains 20 critical stars.
  • "It's Somewhat Pitiful" (「少し可哀相だけど」??): At the start of battle, Ryōgi-san buffs herself with PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased damage against Demonic enemies for 5 turns and NpchargeupNpchargeupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased NP generation for 5 turns, and NpCharge charges her NP gauge by 50%.
  • "I've Already Got Used to This" (「こういうのは慣れてるよ」??): At the start of battle, Shizuki Sōjūrō buffs himself with CritabsupCritabsupTooltip for 25px|link= 3000% increased star absorption for 5 turns, CritdmgupCritdmgupTooltip for 25px|link= 30% increased critical damage, StargainturnStargainturnTooltip for 25px|link= gains 10 critical stars every turn for 5 turns, and GainStars gains 20 critical stars.
  • Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0 The Lady's Speech (奥方の語??): Locked Room Mystery debuffs all enemies (including backline) with Poison Poison of 500 for 5 turns and Npseal NP seal for 3 turns and buffs self with DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= when attacking, Poison debuff target with Poison of 200 for 3 turns and Stunstatus 20% chance to Stun them for 1 turn.
  • Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0 A Child's Dream (子供の夢??): Locked Room Mystery HealEffect heals all enemies' HP by 5,000 and Removedebuff removes their 3 latest debuffs. [Demerit]
  • Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 Editor's Eloquence (編集の弁??): Locked Room Mystery buffs self with Avoid evasion for 10 times, 5 turns.

Camellia Room
椿の間 5.名探偵一刀両断
Camellia Room 5. Cutting a Great Detective into Two with a Single Stroke
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Locked Room
開かずの間 5.名探偵一刀両断
Locked Room 5. Cutting a Great Detective into Two with a Single Stroke
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 615
(123 per AP)
(1,280 per AP)
(3,138 per AP)
Available NPCS
S395A1IconSugitani Ryouinbō Level 80, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Shooting with Two Bullets
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 10/10/10
S413A2Icon Level 90, NP3