Star Absorption:Star Absorption:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Star Absorption:ⓘAffects how many critical stars this servant gets when the stars are distributed. 97
Star Generation:Star Generation:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Star Generation:ⓘAffects how many critical stars this servant generates when attacking. 25.5%
NP Charge ATK:NP Charge ATK:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= NP Charge ATK:ⓘAffects how much the NP Gauge is increased by when attacking enemies. 1.07%
NP Charge DEF:NP Charge DEF:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= NP Charge DEF:ⓘAffects how much the NP Gauge is increased by when being attacked. 4%
Death Rate:Death Rate:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Death Rate:ⓘChance of this servant being killed by the 'Instant-Kill' effect, lower numbers are better. Note that this rate is ONLY affect to player side. Enemy Servant has basically quite low rate. (0% ~ 1%) 44%
Strength:Strength:Bodily might in terms of power. C
Endurance:Endurance:How much damage one can withstand. C
Agility:Agility:Quickness and speed of reaction. A
Mana:Mana:How much magical energy can be handled. C
Luck:Luck:The quality of one's luck. E
NP:NP:The strength of the Noble Phantasm one owns. While the ranking will often match their strongest Noble Phantasm, it will sometimes only reflect a secondary Noble Phantasm, or display a ranking higher or lower than their available wares. C
NA Localization:
An internationally-known serial killer.
They were called, Jack the Ripper.
Jack brutally murdered five women and despite the best efforts of Scotland Yard, Jack vanished without ever being caught.
Fan Translation:
A serial-killer whose name is known all over the world. In Japan, it is often designated as "Jack the Ripper" without change. In spite of the frantic investigations of the Scotland Yard, it butchered five women and then disappeared without ever getting caught.
NA Localization:
Height/Weight: 134cm, 33kg
Origin: History
Region: London
Alignment: Chaotic-Evil
Gender: Female
The version of Jack summoned as an Assassin.
Fan Translation:Height/Weight: 134cm ・ 33kg Source: Historical Fact Region: England/Ireland Alignment: Chaotic ・ Evil Attribute: Earth Gender: Female
The version of Jack in case summoned as an Assassin.
NA Localization:
Since Jack the Ripper's identity was never found out, their form changes in accordance with the class they are summoned into.
As an Assassin, they represent the collective consciousness of those who were never given the chance to be born.
Fan Translation:
Because the true identity of Jack the Ripper has never been made clear, its shape changes in accordance with which Class it is summoned into. In this case, having manifested as an Assassin, it is an aggregation of children who were not allowed to be born.
NA Localization:
Since Assassin Jack was killed before she was born, her wish to the Grail is to return to her mother's womb.
She is naive, but perhaps because she was summoned as Jack the Ripper, she is astonishingly intuitive.
Fan Translation:
Because of this, Assassin-Jack was killed before even being born, her wish for the Holy Grail is a regression to the womb--to return to her mother's womb. Although ignorant of the ways of the world, maybe due to having been summoned as Jack the Ripper, she is frighteningly quick-witted.
NA Localization:
『Maria the Ripper』
Rank: D~B
NP Type: Anti-Personnel
This Noble Phantasm recreates the murders of Jack the Ripper.
There are three conditions must be met: it must be night, there must be fog, and the target must be a woman.
Fan Translation:The Holy Mother of Dismemberment Rank: D~B Type: Anti-Unit
A Noble Phantasm that reproduces the murders of Jack the Ripper.
There are three necessary conditions: "the time period must be night", "the opponent must be female" and "mist must occur".
NA Localization:
After being summoned as an Assassin, she calls herself "Jack the Ripper," but even she doesn't know if she's the real killer.
She remembers killing several women, but is uncertain if they are Jack's victims.
Fan Translation:
She, who was summoned as Assassin, calls herself "Jack the Ripper"; but even she doesn't know if she is really the "true culprit". Although she has memories of killing several women, it is also unknown if they were Jack's victims.
NA Localization:
As a child who was never loved, she strongly seeks love.
She desires a mother's love from her Master, be they male or female.
You're free to respond to her wishes, but don't be surprised if she crawls into your belly.
Fan Translation:
As a child that was never loved, she was strongly seeking out for love. Regardless of whatever the Master is male or female, she will probably demand his/her love as a "mother". While there is no problem in responding to that love, she might intend to sneak into your abdomen.
Jack the Ripper was available for summoning temporarily during the Christmas 2015. With the release of London, she was permanently added to the summoning pool.
She is one of the few servants in the game to have an unusually low NP damage modifier (2200% at NP5 instead of the usual 2400% for upgraded single target Quick NPs).