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Fate/Grand Order Wiki
This is a Limited Servant Limited
They are only available during special summoning campaigns. When no such campaigns are active, this Servant cannot be summoned.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Ibuki Dōji

Japanese Name: 伊吹童子
AKA:AKA: Ibuki-Douji (Berserker)Ibuki-Douji (Berserker)
ID: 355 Cost: 16
ATK:ATK: 2,003 / 12,961 HP:HP: 1,782 / 12,150
Lv.100 Grail ATK:Lv.100 Grail ATK: 14,188 Lv.100 Grail HP:Lv.100 Grail HP: 13,311
Lv.120 Grail ATK:Lv.120 Grail ATK: 16,653 Lv.120 Grail HP:Lv.120 Grail HP: 15,644
Voice Actor: Yūki Aoi Illustrator: Honjō Raita
Attribute: Sky Growth Curve: Linear
Critabsup Star Absorption:Critabsup Star Absorption:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Star Absorption: 9 Stargainup Star Generation:Stargainup Star Generation:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Star Generation: 4.9%
Npchargeup NP Charge ATK:Npchargeup NP Charge ATK:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= NP Charge ATK: 0.38% NPGainUpDmg NP Charge DEF:NPGainUpDmg NP Charge DEF:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= NP Charge DEF: 5%
Instapowerup Death Rate:Instapowerup Death Rate:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Death Rate: 32.5% Alignments: ChaoticSummer
Gender: Female
Basic Traits: Animal Characteristics ServantCostume-OwningDemonicDemonic Beast ServantDivine SpiritDivinityDragonGiantGoddess ServantImmune to PigifyLevitating ServantNon-Hominidae ServantOniServantSeven Knights ServantSummer Mode ServantWeak to Enuma Elish
Hits:  Quick Hits3  |  Arts Hits3  |  Buster Hits4  |  Extra Hits5
Active Skills Passive Skills Append Skills Noble Phantasm Ascension
Skill Upgrade Stats Bond Level Biography Trivia

Active Skills

Available from the start
Atk up
Increases party's attack for 3 turns.
Increases party's critical damage for 3 turns.
Increases the NP generation rate of Summer Mode Servant allies for 3 turns.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Attackup Attack + 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%
Critdmgup Crit Damage + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
Npchargeup Summer Mode Servant NP + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
Cooldown 8 7 6

Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Increases one ally's Arts performance for 3 turns.
Increases their Buster performance for 3 turns.
Skillcooldown Reduces their skill cooldown by 1.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Artsupstatus Arts + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
Busterupstatus Buster + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
Cooldown 8 7 6

Unlocks after 3rd Ascension
Charges own NP gauge.
Gain critical stars every turn for 3 turns.
Increases own critical star absorption for 3 turns.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
NpCharge NP + 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%
Stargainturn Star Regen + 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10
Critabsup Absorption + 3000% 3200% 3400% 3600% 3800% 4000% 4200% 4400% 4600% 5000%
Cooldown 8 7 6

Passive Skills

1 Madness Mad Enhancement E
Busterupstatus Increases own Buster performance by 2%.
2 Busterup Dragonkind EX
Busterupstatus Increases own Buster performance by 12%.
Defenseup Reduces own damage taken by 200.
3 Divinity Snake God's Essence A
Powerup Increases own damage by 250.
Removalresistup Increases own buff removal resistance by 20%.

Append Skills

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Damageup Extra Attack Finesse Improvement
Increases own Extra Attack performance.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Extraattackup Extra Attack + 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Startnp Mana Loading
Starts battle with NP gauge charged.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
NpCharge NP + 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Criticalchanceresup Anti-Alter Ego Critical Attack Chance Resistance
Increases own critical attack chance resistance against Class-Alterego-Gold Alter Ego enemies.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Critchanceresup vs. Alter Ego Crit Chance Res + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Critdmg Special Attack Finesse Improvement
Increases own critical damage.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Critdmgup Crit Damage + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Skillreloading Skill Reloading
Reduces the cooldown of the skill by 1 after activation for N times. (Once per skill)
(N: Based on Skill Level.)
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Skillcooldown Reduction Available Count + 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3

Noble Phantasm

Base Damage: x1.0
Rank Noble Phantasm Type
B+ Anti-Army
Hits Per Hit Percentage
5 6%, 13%, 20%, 26%, 35%
Effect BuffRemoval Removes all enemies' defensive buffs. (Activates first)(Activates first)
(Defensive Buffs: DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link=, QuickresistupQuickresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, ArtsresistupArtsresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, BusterresistupBusterresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link=, AvoidAvoidTooltip for 25px|link=, DeathEvasionDeathEvasionTooltip for 25px|link=, InvincibleInvincibleTooltip for 25px|link=, SpecialinvincibleSpecialinvincibleTooltip for 25px|link=, DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link=, InstaresistupInstaresistupTooltip for 25px|link=)
Deals damage to all enemies.
Critchndown Reduces their critical attack chance by 20% for 3 turns.
NP Level 1 2 3 4 5
Powerup Damage + 450% 600% 675% 712.5% 750%
Overcharge Effect Deals extra damage against enemies with Earth Attribute.
Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
Powerup vs. Earth Extra Damage xPowerup vs. Earth Extra Damage x Tooltip for 25px|link= vs. Earth Extra Damage x 150% 162.5% 175% 187.5% 200%


Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Berserker piece5 QPicon100,000
2nd Berserker piece12 Lamp of Demon Sealing5 QPicon300,000
3rd Berserker monument5 Black Tallow6 Talon of chaos3 QPicon1,000,000
4th Berserker monument12 Talon of chaos6 Demonic Flame Hōzuki5 QPicon3,000,000
Malevolent Midsummer Goddess
Summer Mode Ibuki Doji's berserk appearance. More violent than the image of her third ascension stage.
Unlucky bone10 Iron Stake10 Black Tallow5 Demonic Flame Hōzuki5 QPicon3,000,000

Skill Reinforcement

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Shining Gem of Madness5 QPicon200,000
2nd Shining Gem of Madness12 QPicon400,000
3rd Magic Gem of Madness5 QPicon1,200,000
4th Magic Gem of Madness12 Black Tallow3 QPicon1,800,000
5th Secret Gem of Madness5 Black Tallow6 QPicon4,000,000
6th Secret Gem of Madness12 Lamp of Demon Sealing3 QPicon5,000,000
7th Lamp of Demon Sealing6 Seashell of Reminiscence6 QPicon10,000,000
8th Seashell of Reminiscence18 Demonic Flame Hōzuki10 QPicon12,000,000
9th Crystallized Lore1 QPicon20,000,000

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Shining Gem of Madness5 QPicon200,000
2nd Shining Gem of Madness12 QPicon400,000
3rd Magic Gem of Madness5 QPicon1,200,000
4th Magic Gem of Madness12 Cursed Beast Cholecyst2 QPicon1,800,000
5th Secret Gem of Madness5 Cursed Beast Cholecyst4 QPicon4,000,000
6th Secret Gem of Madness12 Permafrost Ice Crystal5 QPicon5,000,000
7th Permafrost Ice Crystal10 Rainbow Yarn6 QPicon10,000,000
8th Rainbow Yarn18 Tiny Bell of Amnesty72 QPicon12,000,000
9th Crystallized Lore1 QPicon20,000,000


Strength:Strength: B+
Endurance:Endurance: B
Agility:Agility: C
Mana:Mana: EX
Luck:Luck: C

Bond Level

Bond Level 1 BondLevel1 2 BondLevel2 3 BondLevel3 4 BondLevel4 5 BondLevel5 6 BondLevel6 7 BondLevel7 8 BondLevel8 9 BondLevel9 10 BondLevel10
Bond Required 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 300,000 300,000 320,000 240,000 380,000
Total Bond 1,000 2,500 4,500 7,000 10,000 310,000 610,000 930,000 1,170,000 1,550,000
Rewards ServantCoin3555 ServantCoin3555 ServantCoin3555 ServantCoin3555 ServantCoin3555 ServantCoin3555 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin35520 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin35520 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin35520 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin35540
Max Bond Craft Essence Bond CE
Bond 10 Craft Essence CEIcon1683 Summer Power Pomp Poms
When equipped on Ibuki Dōji (Berserker):
Artsupstatus Increases party's Arts performance by 8%,
Busterupstatus Increases party's Buster performance by 8%,
Powerup Increases party's damage against enemies with Earth Attribute by 10%
while self is on the field.
Chaldean Visionary Flames [?][?]
11 BondLevel1 12 BondLevel2 13 BondLevel3 14 BondLevel4 15 BondLevel5
1,090,000 1,230,000 1,360,000 1,500,000 1,640,000
2,640,000 3,870,000 5,230,000 6,730,000 8,370,000
Rewards ServantCoin35550 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin35560 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin35560 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin35560 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin35560 Saintquartz30


All right! Is everyone having fun!? It's summer! Let's have a great time together!
This Berserker Spirit Origin sure feels nice.
Unlock Description Translation🛈🛈
Default 夏である。



NA Localization: It is summer. And summer means swimsuit Spirit Origins. After experiencing summer in the Caribbean and realizing how nice it is, Ibuki-Douji thought it was time for her to change into a swimsuit Spirit Origin of her own. And that's exactly what she did! She took one look at her own Spirit Origin and changed it herself.

After deciding that her new swimsuit Spirit Origin qualifies her as a goddess of summer, Ibuki-Douji has been delighting in the various forms summer has taken around her. Whatever else happens, she won't be giving up her summer vacation without a fight!

Bond 1 身長/体重:180cm(戦闘時300cm)・??kg

属性:混沌・夏  副属性:天  性別:女性

NA Localization: Height/Weight: 180cm (300cm during combat), ???kg
Origin: Shuten-Douji Emaki, Otogizoushi, etc.
Region: Japan
Alignment: Chaotic-Summer
Gender: Female
It was her own choice to become a Berserker when changing to a swimsuit Spirit Origin. She may have modeled it off of Sakata Kintoki who happened to be nearby, as her Madness Enhancement skill is ranked as low as possible.

Bond 2 ○真夏の女神:B



NA Localization: Midsummer Goddess: B
Who decides what is and isn't summery? Swimsuit Spirit Origin Ibuki-Douji. That's who. Why is that, you ask? Because now that she's in a swimsuit Spirit Origin, she has decided she is the goddess of summer. And since she's also a wild Divided Spirit, she can be pretty terrifying when she wants.

Summer Cheerleader: C
In her swimsuit, Ibuki-Douji is both the goddess of summer and a cheerleader. As such, she will happily cheer on anyone and everyone who wants to enjoy summer. If you're lucky, you may even get to see her doing so in her cheerleader outfit. Incidentally, Ibuki-Douji insists that she modeled her outfit after that of a typical high school cheerleader. According to a certain member of Chaldea's staff, however, very few high school cheerleaders are quite as...glamorous as this one.

Bond 3 ○ビーチ・アポカリプス:A+

あのすごい美人のお姉さん、すっごい……すっっごい深酒してるぞ! みんな逃げろ!


NA Localization: Beach Apocalypse: A+
When Ibuki-Douji decides to enjoy the beach in summer, be prepared for her to pretty much bring the world down around her. Now that she's changed into her summer outfit, her sheer destructive power is along the lines of something you'd expect to see on Judgment Day.

Everyone, run! Just run! That lady's hot as hell, but she's really, REALLY drunk!

Essentially the same as her Saber form. A kind, cheerful, easygoing Heroic/Divine Spirit lady who's totally adapted to modern life...and who occasionally acts like a terrifying ancient god.

Bond 4 『伊吹御霊・八脈怒濤』

ランク:B+ 種別:対軍宝具
レンジ:1~50 最大捕捉:300人



NA Localization: 『Ibuki-no-Mitama, Eight Surging Waves』
Rank: B+
NP Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1 - 50
Maximum Targets: 300 persons

Ibuki-no-Mitama Hachimyaku Dotou.
A Noble Phantasm Ibuki-Douji acquired upon declaring herself the goddess of summer. This fierce eight-hit combo water attack can lay waste to anything in its path. Indeed, there is no sight which could better reflect Ibuki-Douji's wild godly nature than seeing eight jets of seawater furiously bearing down on you like the eight heads of Orochi.

While Ibuki-Douji does sometimes perform similar bare-handed attacks in her standard Saber Spirit Origin, they aren't water attacks, and they're certainly not Noble Phantasms. This Noble Phantasm, on the other hand, is only at her disposal while she is in her swimsuit Spirit Origin. For her part, she feels the adjustments to her Spirit Origin have made certain aspects of her stronger, especially her flood god aspect.

Clear Arctic Summer World & Reach Bond Lvl 5
Bond 5 夏の北極圏特異点では第三エリアの客として、そして第五エリアの担当サーヴァントとして登場。





NA Localization: Ibuki-Douji first appeared as a customer in the summer Arctic Circle Singularity's third area, followed by another appearance in the fifth as the Servant in charge. However...she also turned out to be the true mastermind behind the entire Singularity, as she was the one who told Douman to give Skadi the Holy Grail.

"If the world disappears, we can just make a new one."

That was Ibuki-Douji's thinking upon first acquiring a Holy Grail. It was for that purpose that she decided to declare herself a god—the god of an eternal summer park. Sunlight and flame would bring summer warmth to the Arctic Circle, while water and waves would bring refreshment.

...If this world is to disappear amid a sea of endless white, then I shall be the one to begin it anew.

Clear Arctic Summer World & Reach Bond Lvl 5
Extra 聖杯と結び付くことで、水着伊吹童子は特異点における「夏」を司る力を得た。



「太陽にまつわる神ってアナタ、それ私と被ってません? というかむしろ八岐大蛇じゃなくてモードが大物主になってません?」

NA Localization: Swimsuit Ibuki-Douji gained the power to rule over summer by binding herself to a Holy Grail, thereby making herself the sun that illuminates the Singularity. This sun is conceptual, and seems to fluctuate in size. Most everywhere in the Singularity, it looks like an ordinary sun, though it is perhaps unusually large. But if you stand near Arctic Summer World's biggest landmark, the icy Arctic Tower that contains Ibuki-Douji's throne, it appears to be an enormous ball of light floating directly overhead. Incidentally, when viewed from the observatory on the tower's top floor with its open ceiling, the sun doesn't appear all that big.

As long as this sun shines bright in the sky, it will bestow great power upon Ibuki-Douji, even if it doesn't quite reach the level of true Authority. Though of course, if her connection to the Holy Grail is broken, this sun, and its power, will eventually disappear. (Note: The swimsuit Spirit Origin Ibuki-Douji registered at Chaldea possesses neither this sun, nor a connection to a Holy Grail)

Incidentally, a certain good wife-type Servant has gone on the record as saying, "A sun god? Don't you think that's encroaching on my territory? Why don't you stick to your Yamata-no-Orochi lane, and I'll stick to mine?"


Ibuki Dōji (Berserker) was available for summoning during the

Arctic Summer World Lucky Bag 2023 Summoning Campaign New Year Special Fate/Grand Order ~8th Anniversary~ Lucky Bag Summoning Campaign
Fate/Grand Order ~8th Anniversary~ Destiny Order Summoning Campaign Summer 2022 Rerun Summoning Campaign


  • She has the highest ATK value out of all the Berserkers.
  • She has the third highest ATK value out of all the servants.