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Ibaraki Dōji

Japanese Name: 茨木童子
AKA:AKA: Ibaraki-DoujiIbaraki-Douji, Banana Oni
ID: 116 Cost: 12
ATK:ATK: 1,606/9,636 HP:HP: 1,752/10,954
Lv.100 Grail ATK:Lv.100 Grail ATK: 11,667 Lv.100 Grail HP:Lv.100 Grail HP: 13,282
Lv.120 Grail ATK:Lv.120 Grail ATK: 13,699 Lv.120 Grail HP:Lv.120 Grail HP: 15,610
Voice Actor: Tōyama Nao Illustrator: Hidari
Attribute: Earth Growth Curve: Semi S
Critabsup Star Absorption:Critabsup Star Absorption:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Star Absorption: 10 Stargainup Star Generation:Stargainup Star Generation:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Star Generation: 4.9%
Npchargeup NP Charge ATK:Npchargeup NP Charge ATK:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= NP Charge ATK: 1.03% NPGainUpDmg NP Charge DEF:NPGainUpDmg NP Charge DEF:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= NP Charge DEF: 5%
Instapowerup Death Rate:Instapowerup Death Rate:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Death Rate: 52% Alignments: ChaoticEvil
Gender: Female
Basic Traits: Child ServantDemon BeastDemonicHumanoidNon-Hominidae ServantOniServantSeven Knights ServantWeak to Enuma Elish
Hits:  Quick Hits4  |  Arts Hits2  |  Buster Hits1  |  Extra Hits5
Active Skills Passive Skills Append Skills Noble Phantasm Ascension
Skill Upgrade Stats Bond Level Biography Trivia

Active Skills

Available from the start
Atk up
Increases party's attack for 3 turns.
Increases own NP damage for 3 turns.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Attackup Attack + 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%
Nppowerup NP Damage + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
Cooldown 7 6 5

Upgrades after Strengthen 1, Replaces Disengage A
Removedebuff Removes one ally's debuffs. UpgradeIconText
Recovers their HP.
Increases their critical damage for 1 turn. UpgradeIconText
Increases one Shuten Dōji ally's attack for 3 turns. UpgradeIconText
NpCharge If Shuten Dōji ally is alive on field, charges own NP gauge by 20%. UpgradeIconText
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
HealEffect Heal + 1000 1150 1300 1450 1600 1750 1900 2050 2200 2500
Critdmgup Crit Damage + 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 100%
Attackup Shuten Dōji Attack + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
Cooldown 7 6 5

Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Removedebuff Removes own debuffs.
Recovers own HP.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
HealEffect Heal + 1000 1150 1300 1450 1600 1750 1900 2050 2200 2500
Cooldown 7 6 5

Unlocks after 3rd Ascension
Defenseup Increases own defense by 30% for 1 turn.
Increases own defense for 3 turns.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Defenseup Defense + 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% 26% 30%
Cooldown 7 6 5

Passive Skills

1 Madness Mad Enhancement B
Busterupstatus Increases own Buster performance by 8%.

Append Skills

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Damageup Extra Attack Finesse Improvement
Increases own Extra Attack performance.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Extraattackup Extra Attack + 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Startnp Mana Loading
Starts battle with NP gauge charged.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
NpCharge NP + 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Criticalchanceresup Anti-Saber Critical Attack Chance Resistance
Increases own critical attack chance resistance against Class-Saber-Gold Saber enemies.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Critchanceresup vs. Saber Crit Chance Res + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Critdmg Special Attack Finesse Improvement
Increases own critical damage.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Critdmgup Crit Damage + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Skillreloading Skill Reloading
Reduces the cooldown of the skill by 1 after activation for N times. (Once per skill)
(N: Based on Skill Level.)
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Skillcooldown Reduction Available Count + 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3

Noble Phantasm

Base Damage: x1.5
Rank Noble Phantasm Type
B Anti-Army
Hits Per Hit Percentage
1 100%
Effect Deals damage to one enemy.
BuffRemoval Removes their buffs.
NP Level 1 2 3 4 5
Powerup Damage + 600% 800% 900% 950% 1000%
Overcharge Effect Reduces their defense for 3 turns.
Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
Defensedown Defense - 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%


Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Berserker piece4 QPicon50,000
2nd Berserker piece10 Octuplet Twin Crystals6 QPicon150,000
3rd Berserker monument4 Talon of chaos5 Phoenix Plume4 QPicon500,000
4th Berserker monument10 Phoenix Plume7 Heart of a foreign god4 QPicon1,500,000

Skill Reinforcement

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Shining Gem of Madness4 QPicon100,000
2nd Shining Gem of Madness10 QPicon200,000
3rd Magic Gem of Madness4 QPicon600,000
4th Magic Gem of Madness10 Talon of chaos3 QPicon800,000
5th Secret Gem of Madness4 Talon of chaos5 QPicon2,000,000
6th Secret Gem of Madness10 Octuplet Twin Crystals4 QPicon2,500,000
7th Octuplet Twin Crystals8 Void's Refuse10 QPicon5,000,000
8th Void's Refuse30 Bloodstone Tear12 QPicon6,000,000
9th Crystallized Lore1 QPicon10,000,000

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Shining Gem of Madness4 QPicon100,000
2nd Shining Gem of Madness10 QPicon200,000
3rd Magic Gem of Madness4 QPicon600,000
4th Magic Gem of Madness10 Unlucky bone12 QPicon800,000
5th Secret Gem of Madness4 Unlucky bone24 QPicon2,000,000
6th Secret Gem of Madness10 Lamp of Demon Sealing3 QPicon2,500,000
7th Lamp of Demon Sealing5 AncientBellOfTranquilityIcon5 QPicon5,000,000
8th AncientBellOfTranquilityIcon15 Demonic Flame Hōzuki8 QPicon6,000,000
9th Crystallized Lore1 QPicon10,000,000


Strength:Strength: B
Endurance:Endurance: A+
Agility:Agility: C
Mana:Mana: C
Luck:Luck: B

Bond Level

Bond Level 1 BondLevel1 2 BondLevel2 3 BondLevel3 4 BondLevel4 5 BondLevel5 6 BondLevel6 7 BondLevel7 8 BondLevel8 9 BondLevel9 10 BondLevel10
Bond Required 4,000 12,000 3,000 13,000 3,000 155,000 340,000 310,000 360,000 330,000
Total Bond 4,000 16,000 19,000 32,000 35,000 190,000 530,000 840,000 1,200,000 1,530,000
Rewards ServantCoin1165 ServantCoin1165 ServantCoin1165 ServantCoin1165 ServantCoin1165 ServantCoin1165 Saintquartz2 ServantCoin11620 Saintquartz2 ServantCoin11620 Saintquartz2 ServantCoin11620 Saintquartz2 ServantCoin11640
Max Bond Craft Essence Bond CE
Bond 10 Craft Essence CEIcon370 Bone Sword (Nameless)
When equipped on Ibaraki Dōji:
Busterupstatus Increases party's Buster performance by 20%,
Defensedown 500% Chance to reduce party's defense by 10% [Demerit]
while self is on the field.
Chaldean Visionary Flames [?][?]
11 BondLevel1 12 BondLevel2 13 BondLevel3 14 BondLevel4 15 BondLevel5
1,090,000 1,230,000 1,360,000 1,500,000 1,640,000
2,620,000 3,850,000 5,210,000 6,710,000 8,350,000
Rewards ServantCoin11650 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin11660 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin11660 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin11660 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin11660 Saintquartz30


The oni of the demonic capital descends from Mt. Ōe—
Unlock Description Translation🛈🛈
Default 平安時代、京に現れて悪逆を尽くした鬼の一体。


NA Localization: One of the evil oni that rampaged in Kyoto back in Heian period. A subordinate to Shuten-Douji of Mt. Ooe, she crossed paths with Watanabe-no-Tsuna when Minamoto-no-Raikou led her retainers to defeat the oni of Mt. Ooe. In the tale of Rashomon, she appears in the form of a beautiful woman.

Fan Translation: During the Heian period, one of the oni that appeared on the imperial capital and exhaustively carried out atrocities.
Regarded as a subordinate of the Shuten Dōji that lived in Mt. Ōe, it has been said that - during the "oni extermination of Mt. Ōe" by Minamoto no Raikō and her Big Four - she crossed sword with Watanabe Tsuna of the Big Four.
In the anecdote of the Rashōmon, she appears in the figure of "a beautiful woman".

Bond 1 身長/体重:147cm・50kg

属性:混沌・悪  副属性:地  性別:女性

NA Localization: Height/Weight: 147cm, 50kg
Origin: Otogizoushi
Region: Japan
Alignment: Chaotic-Evil
Gender: Female
She is considered an "Anti-Hero" based on her stories and historical evidence.

Fan Translation: Height/Weight: 147cm ・ 50kg
Source: Otogi-zōshi and others
Region: Japan
Alignment: Chaotic ・ Evil
Attribute: Earth
Gender: Female
Due to her anecdotes and vestiges, she is classified as a "anti-hero".

Bond 2 大江山の鬼としては唯一生き残り、


NA Localization: She was the sole surviving oni of Mt. Ooe.
She attacked Watanabe-no-Tsuna at Rashomon in Kyoto, but had her arm cut off as a result.
Although her arm was originally taken as a trophy, Ibaraki returned to take back her arm, before disappearing into the mist.

Fan Translation: The sole survivor of Mt. Ōe's oni, she attacked Watanabe Tsuna on the Rashōmon (or the Ichijō-modoribashi) at the imperial capital and ended up having her arm cut off.
While said arm was temporarily snatched away as a spoil of war, Ibaraki would later retrieve it and disappear to somewhere.

Bond 3 実際のところ――酒呑童子の部下ではなく、


NA Localization: In actuality, she's not the subordinate of Shuten-Douji, but rather, it is believed that Ibaraki-Douji reigned as the de facto leader of all oni on Mt. Ooe.
(Shuten was extremely powerful, but since she drowned herself in joy and lust, she had no intention of ruling.)

Fan Translation: In actual fact--- she is not Shuten Dōji's subordinate, but it is rather believed that Ibaraki Dōji existed as "the ringleader of Mt. Ōe's oni".
(Despite being a mighty existence, the extremely pleasure-seeking Shuten had no intentions of commanding the swarm of oni herself)

Bond 4 茨木童子こそが大江山に荘厳の御殿を建て、


NA Localization: Ibaraki-Douji was the one who built the majestic palace on Mt. Ooe, and loved Shuten-Douji like a sister.
She led the fearless oni into battle, wrought chaos all over Kyoto, and was later known and feared as the "Rampaging Oni."

Fan Translation: The one who erected a solemn palace at Mt. Ōe, cherished Shuten Dōji as a sworn brother, commanded a group of oni that were each a match for a thousand warriors and exerted tyranny on ancient Kyoto was Ibaraki Dōji herself; a "raging oni" that made people fall into the depths of terror.

Bond 5 鬼種の魔:A


NA Localization: Demonic Nature of Oni: A
A skill that displays an oni's ability and demonic nature.
Originally a skill that combined aspects of Natural Demon, Monstrous Strength, Charisma, and Mana Burst, but in this iteration, the skill has been adjusted to match the context of the game.
In most cases, Mana Burst will manifest with the attribute of "heat," but in Ibaraki's case, her Mana Burst's attribute is "flame."

Fan Translation: Demonic Magic: A
A Skill that represents the superpower as well as the demonic nature as an oni.
A mixed Skill of Natural Demon, Monstrous Strength, Charisma, Prana Burst and etc; but some adjustment has been applied to its effects in this work.
There are many concerned examples in which the form of Prana Burst is "Heat". In Ibaraki's case, it is "Flames".

Clear Interlude 1
Extra 聖杯にかける願いは「酒呑の笑顔を見る」こと。


NA Localization: Her wish for the Grail is to see Shuten smile without a single hint of sorrow, hesitation, or worry for her sworn brethren.
That is the reason behind all that Ibaraki does.
Even when fighting against Abe-no-Seimei, Minamoto-no-Raikou, or Raikou's four retainers, Ibaraki still seeks that one smile...

Fan Translation: Her wish for the Holy Grail is "to see Shuten's smiling face".
A smile without a hint anxiety, doubt or concern from her sworn sibling is indeed the source behind Ibaraki Dōji's everything.
Even when opposing Abe no Seimei or Minamoto no Raikō and her Big Four, Ibaraki wished for nothing but a single smile--

April Fool おにサーヴァント


Oni-Type Servant

Purposefully mischievous. Decided to go berserk deliberately. These contradictions accurately encapsulate the essence of Ibaraki Douji. She's not used to being around humans, but she will approach if you offer her sweets.

