Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
ShopMenu GrailCasting

Holy Grail Casting (聖杯鋳造, Seihai Chūzō??), is a feature released on (JP: January 1, 2022 00:00 JST). It allows the crafting of Holy Grail by offering Servant Coins to the casting device.

Masters may craft up to 2 Holy Grails per month, and this number resets back to 2 at the first day of each month.
Important Things to Note:

  1. 2,000 Servant Coins are needed to be offered up per Holy Grail, regardless of Servant rarity, regardless if it is the same servant.
  2. There is no limitation on how many duplicate coins can be used.
  3. Masters may offer Servant Coins at any point of time and at any amount they wish. Only at 2,000 Coins offered, a grail will be cast.
  4. The casting device resets the coin number back to 0 at the start of each month even if there were coins offered on the previous month and the 2,000 mark wasn't reached. (wasted coins)
  5. NOTE: Only offer coins if you are sure you can offer 2,000 coins to get a Holy Grail. If you do not wish to commit, then refrain from doing.
  6. Mashu Kyrielight's Servant Coins cannot be offered.