Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
GrailLeague SG 094
This is a Max Bond Craft Essence
This Craft Essence can be obtained by reaching BondExp Bond Level 10 of Arash.
It comes at max level with all limit breaks.
Craft Essence
★ ★ ★ ★

Holy Devotion

Original Name: 聖なる献身セイナルケンシン Servant: S016A1Icon Arash
AKA:AKA: Sacred DevotionSacred Devotion
ID: 210 Illustrator: ---
ATK:ATK: 100/100 HP:HP: 100/100
Cost: 9 Max Level: 80
Heal Effect
When equipped on Arash:
DeathBuffIcon Grants self On-Death-ActivateOn-Death-Activate buff.
(When defeated,
HealEffect Recovers party's HP except self by 5000.
Removedebuff Removes party's debuffs except self.)


Description Translation🛈🛈




NA Localization: Across the sky of morning light, lights of seven colors can be seen...

"Seven colored lights?
I thought it was only one light when I fired it. Yet again, I never get to see the end."

"I guess ... the lights were seven colors."

Fan Translation: With love for the people, seven colored lights cut through the morning sky…

"Seven lights?
Well, I only shot once. …Then again, I wasn't there to watch it all the way, so there's not much I can say."

"Still… Seven colored lights, eh?"

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