Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
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Halloween Rising Banner

Title: Halloween Rising! ~The Queen of Sandstorm and the Apostle of Darkness~ (ハロウィン・ライジング! ~砂塵の女王と暗黒の使徒~??)
Event Duration: October 20, 2021 20:30 ~ November 3, 2021 12:59 JST
Requirement: Clear Orleans

Quest Date
Main Quest Act 1
Fairy Tale Quest
October 20, 2021 20:30 ~ November 3, 2021 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 2
Fairy Tale Quest
October 21, 2021 18:00 ~ November 3, 2021 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 3
Fairy Tale Quest
October 22, 2021 18:00 ~ November 3, 2021 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 4
Fairy Tale Quest
October 23, 2021 18:00 ~ November 3, 2021 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 5
Fairy Tale Quest
October 24, 2021 18:00 ~ November 3, 2021 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 6
Fairy Tale Quest
October 25, 2021 18:00 ~ November 3, 2021 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 7
Fairy Tale Quest
Elizabeth Báthory (Cinderella) Permanent Unlock
October 26, 2021 18:00 ~ November 3, 2021 12:59 JST

New Mystic Code




Together with Elizabeth Báthory (Cinderella), you will retake the Cinderella Castle.
Advance in the Main Story to obtain Elizabeth Báthory (Cinderella) permanently.

  • Clear quests to get Event currencies Poisonous Apple Candy House Sesame Charm, which can be exchanged for items in Shop, and event points Marchen Point (Snow White) Marchen Point (Cinderella) Marchen Point (Red Riding Hood) to get items from Point Rewards.
    • You can get Halloween 2015~2017's Limited CEs and extra copies and Servant Coins of Event Servants from Shop.
  • Main Quests are unlocked daily and when certain amount of Marchen Point (Snow White) Marchen Point (Cinderella) Marchen Point (Red Riding Hood) is reached
  • Fairy Tale Quests are unlocked based on the amount of Marchen Point (Cinderella) gained
  • You can get many rewards by clearing Fairy Tale Quests
  • Equipping Jade Hairpin, Tiny Dressmaker, and Bare Kings can increase the appearance of event enemies.
  • Unlike previous events, extra enemies will show up in the same stage, up to 6 enemies per stage.

Event Bonus

Event Servants
Damage Bonus Bond Bonus Servant
S326A1Icon S324A1Icon
S076A1Icon S138A1Icon S010A1Icon S298A1Icon S126A1Icon S212A1Icon S325A1Icon S125A1Icon S013A1Icon S018A1Icon S061A1Icon S190A1Icon S191A1Icon
S293A1Icon S064A1Icon S169A1Icon S235A1Icon
Event Reward Craft Essence
CE1489 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jade Hairpin

ATK: 250/1000
HP: 400/1600

  • Buster +8%
  • NP Gen +8%
  • Star per turn +3

  • Oni, Tin, Pumpkin Enemies Appearance +25% (100% MLB)
  • +100% Damage during Event (+200% MLB)
CE1490 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tiny Dressmaker

ATK: 0/0
HP: 750/3000

  • Debuff Immunity +1 Time
  • NP Dmg +10%
  • Start NP +30%

  • Scarecrow, Toys, Ghost Enemies Appearance +25% (+100% MLB)
  • +100% Damage during Event (+200% MLB)
CE1491 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bare Kings

ATK: 500/2000
HP: 0/0

  • Guts +1 Time (1 HP)
  • Buster Crit Dmg +25%

  • Monkey, Snake, Fairy-Tale (Märchen) Enemies Appearance +25% (+100% MLB)
  • +100% Damage during Event (+200% MLB)
Event Reward Command Code
CC98 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Priestess of the Silver Key
  • Gain 3 Critical Stars when attacking with the Engraved Card + Remove 1 Attack Up buff from the target
CC97 ★ ★ ★ ★
Phantasmal Iron Maiden
  • Engraved card deals extra 15% damage against Females.
CC96 ★ ★ ★
Matching Teddy Bear
  • When attacking with the engraved card, remove 1 Defensive Debuff from self & Heals own HP by 100

Poisonous Apple Grand Total : 5,500
Item Trade Limit Individual Cost Total Cost
S190A1Icon 4 100 400
S191A1Icon 4 100 400
CEIcon1489 1 200 200
CEIcon54 5 100 500
CEIcon52 5 100 500
Scarab of Wisdom 10 30 300
Bloodstone Tear 20 20 400
Black Tallow 20 20 400
Saber monument 20 20 400
Archer monument 20 20 400
Assassin monument 20 20 400
10xServantCoin326 10 20 200
10xServantCoin61 30 20 600
Crystallized Lore 400 1 400
QPicon10,000 N/A 2 N/A

Candy House Grand Total : 6,150
Item Trade Limit Individual Cost Total Cost
S061A1Icon 4 100 400
S138A1Icon 4 100 400
CEIcon1490 1 200 200
CEIcon347 5 100 500
CEIcon683 5 100 500
CEIcon348 5 100 500
CEIcon684 5 100 500
Talon of chaos 20 20 400
Medal of Great Knight 20 15 300
Void's Refuse 30 15 450
Saber piece 20 20 400
Archer piece 20 20 400
Assassin piece 20 20 400
10xServantCoin326 10 20 200
10xServantCoin138 30 20 600
Poisonous Apple N/A 10 N/A

Sesame Charm Grand Total : 6,740
Item Trade Limit Individual Cost Total Cost
CEIcon1491 1 200 200
CEIcon50 5 100 500
CEIcon349 5 100 500
CEIcon685 5 100 500
AllHpUpIcon3 20 20 400
AllAtkUpIcon3 20 20 400
AllExp5 50 10 500
AllExp4 70 6 420
AllExp3 100 3 300
Aurora Steel 20 15 300
Iron Stake 30 10 300
Hero's Proof 30 10 300
10xServantCoin326 10 20 200
10xServantCoin190 48 20 960
10xServantCoin191 48 20 960
Candy House N/A 10 N/A

  • Rewards are automatically given at the end of a quest, providing that you have reached the point requirements.

Marchen Point (Cinderella) Reward Marchen Point (Cinderella) Reward Marchen Point (Cinderella) Reward Marchen Point (Cinderella) Reward Marchen Point (Cinderella) Reward
2k Forbidden Page 4k Copper Apple 6K Arrowhead of Maledictions 8K Mana prism10 10K CEIcon1490
12K ServantCoin32610 14K QPicon500K 16K Forbidden Page 18K Copper Apple 20K Idol Cinderella Shoes
22K Mana prism10 26K ServantCoin6110 30K Spiritroot 34K Arrowhead of Maledictions 38K QPicon500K
42K Forbidden Page 46K Silver Apple 50K CEIcon1490 54K ServantCoin13810 58K Arrowhead of Maledictions
64K AllExp45 70K Spiritroot 76K Mana prism10 82K ServantCoin32610 88K Forbidden Page
94K QPicon1M 100K CEIcon1490 106K AllExp45 112k Arrowhead of Maledictions 118K ServantCoin6110
124K Silver Apple 130K AllExp55 136k Forbidden Page 142K Mana prism10 150K Spiritroot
158K ServantCoin13810 166K QPicon1M 174K Arrowhead of Maledictions 182K Forbidden Page 190K AllExp55
200K CEIcon1490 210K ServantCoin32620 220K Arrowhead of Maledictions 230K Golden Apple 240K Spiritroot
250K AllHpUpIcon4 260K Forbidden Page 270K ServantCoin6120 280K AllExp55 290K Arrowhead of Maledictions
300k Arts Code Opener 310k Mana prism30 320k Spiritroot 330k ServantCoin13820 340k QPicon2M
350K AllHpUpIcon4 360k Forbidden Page 370k AllExp45 380k Golden Apple 390k ServantCoin32620
400k S326A1Icon 410k Arrowhead of Maledictions 420k AllExp45 430k Forbidden Page 440k Mana prism30
450k CodeRemover 460k ServantCoin6120 470k Arrowhead of Maledictions 480k AllExp45 490K QPicon2M
500k AllAtkUpIcon4 512k ServantCoin13820 524k Forbidden Page 536K Golden Apple 552k Mana prism30
568k Arrowhead of Maledictions 584k QPicon2M 600K Crystallized Lore

Marchen Point (Snow White) Reward Marchen Point (Snow White) Reward Marchen Point (Snow White) Reward Marchen Point (Snow White) Reward Marchen Point (Snow White) Reward
2k Meteoric horseshoe 4k Copper Apple 6K Divine Spiricle Vein 8K Mana prism10 10K CEIcon1489
12K ServantCoin32610 14K QPicon500K 16K Meteoric horseshoe 18K Copper Apple 20K Idol Cinderella Shoes
22K Mana prism10 26K ServantCoin6110 30K Tsukumo Mirror 34K Divine Spiricle Vein 38K QPicon500K
42K Meteoric horseshoe 46K Silver Apple 50K CEIcon1489 54K ServantCoin13810 58K Divine Spiricle Vein
64K AllExp45 70K Tsukumo Mirror 76K Mana prism10 82K ServantCoin32610 88K Meteoric horseshoe
94K QPicon1M 100K CEIcon1489 106K AllExp45 112k Divine Spiricle Vein 118K ServantCoin6110
124K Silver Apple 130K AllExp55 136k Meteoric horseshoe 142K Mana prism10 150K Tsukumo Mirror
158K ServantCoin13810 166K QPicon1M 174K Divine Spiricle Vein 182K Meteoric horseshoe 190K AllExp55
200K CEIcon1489 210K ServantCoin32620 220K Divine Spiricle Vein 230K Golden Apple 240K Tsukumo Mirror
250K AllHpUpIcon4 260K Meteoric horseshoe 270K ServantCoin6120 280K AllExp55 290K Divine Spiricle Vein
300k Quick Code Opener 310k Mana prism30 320k Tsukumo Mirror 330k ServantCoin13820 340k QPicon2M
350K AllHpUpIcon4 360k Meteoric horseshoe 370k AllExp45 380k Golden Apple 390k ServantCoin32620
400k S326A1Icon 410k Divine Spiricle Vein 420k AllExp45 430k Meteoric horseshoe 440k Mana prism30
450k CodeRemover 460k ServantCoin6120 470k Divine Spiricle Vein 480k AllExp45 490K QPicon2M
500k AllAtkUpIcon4 512k ServantCoin13820 524k Meteoric horseshoe 536K Golden Apple 552k Mana prism30
568k Divine Spiricle Vein 584k QPicon2M 600K Crystallized Lore

Marchen Point (Red Riding Hood) Reward Marchen Point (Red Riding Hood) Reward Marchen Point (Red Riding Hood) Reward Marchen Point (Red Riding Hood) Reward Marchen Point (Red Riding Hood) Reward
2k Octuplet Twin Crystals 4k Copper Apple 6K Crown of Radiant Silver 8K Mana prism10 10K CEIcon1491
12K ServantCoin32610 14K QPicon500K 16K Octuplet Twin Crystals 18K Copper Apple 20K Idol Cinderella Shoes
22K Mana prism10 26K ServantCoin6110 30K Cursed Beast Cholecyst 34K Crown of Radiant Silver 38K QPicon500K
42K Octuplet Twin Crystals 46K Silver Apple 50K CEIcon1491 54K ServantCoin13810 58K Crown of Radiant Silver
64K AllExp45 70K Cursed Beast Cholecyst 76K Mana prism10 82K ServantCoin32610 88K Octuplet Twin Crystals
94K QPicon1M 100K CEIcon1491 106K AllExp45 112k Crown of Radiant Silver 118K ServantCoin6110
124K Silver Apple 130K AllExp55 136k Octuplet Twin Crystals 142K Mana prism10 150K Cursed Beast Cholecyst
158K ServantCoin13810 166K QPicon1M 174K Crown of Radiant Silver 182K Octuplet Twin Crystals 190K AllExp55
200K CEIcon1491 210K ServantCoin32620 220K Crown of Radiant Silver 230K Golden Apple 240K Cursed Beast Cholecyst
250K QPicon2M 260K Octuplet Twin Crystals 270K ServantCoin6120 280K AllExp55 290K Crown of Radiant Silver
300k Buster Code Opener 310k Mana prism30 320k Cursed Beast Cholecyst 330k ServantCoin13820 340k QPicon2M
350K AllAtkUpIcon4 360k Octuplet Twin Crystals 370k AllExp45 380k Golden Apple 390k ServantCoin32620
400k S326A1Icon 410k Crown of Radiant Silver 420k AllExp45 430k Octuplet Twin Crystals 440k Mana prism30
450k CodeRemover 460k ServantCoin6120 470k Crown of Radiant Silver 480k AllExp45 490K QPicon2M
500k AllAtkUpIcon4 512k ServantCoin13820 524k Octuplet Twin Crystals 536K Golden Apple 552k Mana prism30
568k Crown of Radiant Silver 584k QPicon2M 600K Crystallized Lore


AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Act 1

Mansionside Cavern
??? 第1節 灰かぶりのデミドラゴン
??? Act 1: Ash-Covered Demi Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 165
(33 per AP)
(380 per AP)
(110 per AP)
Available NPCS S326A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Battle 1/1 Pumpkin Skeleton
Lvl 13 Class-Saber-Bronze 19,362 HP
Pumpkin Skeleton
Lvl 13 Class-Lancer-Bronze 19,554 HP
Pumpkin Knight
Lvl 5 Class-Saber-Gold 21,640 HP
Notable Drops Sesame Charm Sesame Charm Sesame Charm
  • Only the NPC can be chosen as Support, and must be in the starting row.
  • Once Upon A Time: All party members gain Transparent Märchen-like (HP Recovery Rate Up) [Permanent, Unremovable]
  • Start of battle, NPC Elizabeth Báthory (Cinderella)'s NP is charged to 100%, and all party members gain Attackup Attack Damage Up for 10 turns.
CEIcon1488 S326A1IconTemporary
MCIcon Halloween Royalty MMCIcon Halloween Royalty F Halloween Royalty

Act 2

Obtain 30,000 Total Points
Opens at October 21, 2021 18:00 JST
Sandstorm Sea
砂塵の海 第2節 砂漠の国の戦士女王
Sea of Sandstorms Act 2: Warrior Queen of the Nation of Sandstorms
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 215
(43 per AP)
(480 per AP)
(191 per AP)

Available NPCS S326A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Zenobia
Lvl 26 Class-Archer-Gold 90,660 HP
Notable Drops Chains of The Fool Archer piece
  • SOLO: Only the NPC Support will be in the party.

Available NPCS S325A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Battle 1/1 Okita Sōji
Lvl 32 Class-Saber-Gold 3,821 HP
Saitō Hajime
Lvl 40 Class-Saber-Gold 3,408 HP
Hijikata Toshizō
Lvl 32 Class-Berserker-Gold 3,201 HP
Anne Bonny
Lvl 40 Class-Archer-Gold 3,297 HP
Lvl 42 Class-Rider-Gold 3,386 HP
Okita Sōji
Lvl 32 Class-Saber-Gold 3,474 HP
Lvl 61 Class-Berserker-Bronze 3,647 HP
Lvl 59 Class-Caster-Silver 3,643 HP
Lvl 56 Class-Caster-Silver 3,482 HP
Battle 1/1 Billy
Lvl 55 Class-Archer-Silver 3,903 HP
Lvl 39 Class-Rider-Gold 3,640 HP
Amakusa Shirō
Lvl 35 Class-Ruler-Gold 3,839 HP
Hassan of the Hundred Faces
Lvl 57 Class-Assassin-Silver 3,305 HP
Jing Ke
Lvl 53 Class-Assassin-Silver 3,547 HP
Fūma Kotarō
Lvl 54 Class-Assassin-Silver 3,214 HP
Lvl 38 Class-Archer-Gold 3,151 HP
Lvl 35 Class-Caster-Gold 3,762 HP
Kiichi Hōgen
Lvl 40 Class-Assassin-Gold 3,238 HP
Battle 1/1 Mata Hari
Lvl 60 Class-Assassin-Bronze 3,282 HP
Lvl 39 Class-Archer-Gold 3,160 HP
Lvl 44 Class-Caster-Gold 3,924 HP
Okita J Sōji
Lvl 41 Class-Assassin-Gold 3,010 HP
Lvl 43 Class-Assassin-Gold 3,318 HP
Lvl 31 Class-Lancer-Gold 3,529 HP
Lvl 58 Class-Saber-Silver 3,985 HP
Miss Crane
Lvl 39 Class-Caster-Gold 3,818 HP
Lvl 33 Class-Berserker-Gold 3,973 HP
Battle 1/1 Hildr
Lvl 46 Class-Lancer-Gold 3,852 HP
Lvl 45 Class-Lancer-Gold 3,762 HP
Cú Chulainn
Lvl 54 Class-Lancer-Silver 3,664 HP
William Tell
Lvl 52 Class-Archer-Silver 3,853 HP
Idol X Alter
Lvl 42 Class-Foreigner-Gold 3,843 HP
Lvl 47 Class-Lancer-Gold 3,941 HP
Lvl 60 Class-Assassin-Silver 3,409 HP
Ibaraki Dōji
Lvl 42 Class-Lancer-Gold 3,707 HP
Ibaraki Dōji
Lvl 40 Class-Berserker-Gold 3,135 HP
Battle 1/1 Hyde
Lvl 50 Class-Berserker-Silver 3,087 HP
Notable Drops
  • Once Upon A Time: All party members gain Transparent Märchen-like (HP Recovery Rate Up) [Permanent, Unremovable]
  • After an enemy is defeated, another will immediately take their place, making defeating up to 9 enemies per turn possible.
  • Battle ends after 5 turns.

Saintquartz Idol Cinderella Shoes

Act 3

Obtain 90,000 Total Points
Opens at October 22, 2021 18:00 JST

Bandit Hideout
盗賊のアジト 第3節 白雪姫不在の7人の……7人の?
Bandit Hideout Act 3: The...What...is Missing from Snow White's Seven People?
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 265
(53 per AP)
(580 per AP)
(277 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S325A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Battle 1/1 Moving Rafflesia
Lvl 8 Class-Berserker-Bronze 36,441 HP
Moving Rafflesia
Lvl 7 Class-Berserker-Bronze 32,073 HP
Moving Rafflesia
Lvl 18 Class-Berserker-Silver 57,982 HP
Notable Drops Sesame Charm Sesame Charm Sesame Charm2
  • Once Upon A Time: All party members gain Transparent Märchen-like (HP Recovery Rate Up) [Permanent, Unremovable]
  • Elizabeth Báthory (Cinderella) cannot be deployed for this battle.

Monster Forest
妖しの森 第3節 白雪姫不在の7人の……7人の?
Forest of Magical Creatures Act 3: The...What...is Missing from Snow White's Seven People?
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 265
(53 per AP)
(580 per AP)
(277 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S325A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Battle 1/1 Moving Rafflesia
Lvl 14 Class-Berserker-Bronze 9,681 HP
Forest Demonic Beast
Lvl 15 Class-Berserker-Bronze 9,004 HP
Forest Mysterious Bird
Lvl 6 Class-Berserker-Gold 8,862 HP
Moving Rafflesia
Lvl 12 Class-Caster-Bronze 13,584 HP
Forest Demonic Beast
Lvl 17 Class-Berserker-Bronze 10,122 HP
Forest Mysterious Bird
Lvl 8 Class-Berserker-Gold 11,812 HP
Forest Serpent
Lvl 39 Class-Caster-Gold 57,961 HP
Notable Drops Sesame Charm Sesame Charm Sesame Charm Sesame Charm Sesame Charm Sesame Charm Sesame Charm2
  • Once Upon A Time: All party members gain Transparent Märchen-like (HP Recovery Rate Up) [Permanent, Unremovable]

Monster Forest
妖しの森 第3節 白雪姫不在の7人の……7人の?
Forest of Magical Creatures Act 3: The...What...is Missing from Snow White's Seven People?
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 265
(53 per AP)
(580 per AP)
(277 per AP)
ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
  • There will be an unskippable dialogue with 2 options.
    • 1st Option: Can use Mystic Code Skills and Command Spells during the battle
    • 2nd Option: CANNOT use Mystic Code Skills or Command Spells during the battle
Available NPCS S076A2IconLvl 90, NP3 S126C1IconLvl 80, NP3 S298A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S212A2IconLvl 90, NP3 S125A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S013A2IconLvl 80, NP3
Battle 1/1 Forest Venomous Snake
Lvl 9 Class-Saber-Silver 8,918 HP
Forest Demonic Beast
Lvl 16 Class-Berserker-Bronze 8,694 HP
Forest Mysterious Bird
Lvl 6 Class-Berserker-Gold 8,862 HP
Moving Rafflesia
Lvl 12 Class-Berserker-Bronze 11,592 HP
Forest Venomous Snake
Lvl 10 Class-Saber-Silver 9,873 HP
Forest Mysterious Bird
Lvl 7 Class-Berserker-Gold 10,337 HP
Forest Beast
Lvl 25 Class-Berserker-Gold 63,679 HP
Notable Drops Sesame Charm Sesame Charm Sesame Charm Sesame Charm Sesame Charm Sesame Charm Sesame Charm2
  • LIMITED: The party can only consists of the 6 NPC Servants.
  • Once Upon A Time: All party member gains Transparent Märchen-like (HP Recovery Rate Up) [Permanent, Unremovable]
  • All party members are buffed with Nppowerup NP Damage Up & Maxhpup MAX HP Up
  • All enemies are debuffed with Defensedown Defense Down, Critchndown Critical Rate Down, Skillseal Skill Seal [5 turns, Unremovable], Debuffregen Low Chance to stun self at the end of each turn

Seven People House
7人の家 第3節 白雪姫不在の7人の……7人の?
House of the Seven People Act 3: The...What...is Missing from Snow White's Seven People?
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 265
(53 per AP)
(580 per AP)
(277 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S325A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S076A2IconLvl 90, NP3 S212A2IconLvl 90, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Grendel
Lvl 20 Class-Berserker-Gold Lifebar1 42,982 HP
Lvl 20 Class-Berserker-Bronze Lifebar0 47,619 HP
Lvl 40 Class-Lancer-Silver 36,085 HP
Notable Drops Hero's Proof Lancer piece Candy House3
  • Elizabeth Báthory (Cinderella) must be in the front-row of the party.
  • Once Upon A Time: All party members gain Transparent Märchen-like (HP Recovery Rate Up) [Permanent, Unremovable]
  • Elizabeth "I Will Help You with My Song~♪" (エリザベート「歌で応援するわね~♪」??) decreases all enemies' Critchndown Critical Rate by 20% and Defensedown Defense by 20%
  • At the start of the battle, Grendel gains Avoid Evasion [1 hit, Unremovable]
  • Grendel Lifebar0 Charges own NP gauge to MAX and gain Nppowerup NP Damage Up [1 hit, Unremovable]


Act 4

Obtain 170,000 Total Points
Opens at October 23, 2021 18:00 JST

Castle Front
チェイテシンデレラ城前 第4節 祈りを捧げ、地に祝福を
Csejte Cinderella Castle Front Act 4: Offer Your Prayers, Give Your Blessings (Curse) Upon this World
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 315
(63 per AP)
(680 per AP)
(438 per AP)
ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S325A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S076A2IconLvl 90, NP3 S212A2IconLvl 90, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Pumpkin Knight
Lvl 15 Class-Archer-Gold 17,591 HP
Jacques de Molay
Lvl 90 Class-Foreigner-Gold Lifebar1 65,313 HP
Lifebar0 162,084 HP
Pumpkin Knight
Lvl 13 Class-Saber-Gold 14,157 HP
Pumpkin Knight
Lvl 14 Class-Lancer-Gold 18,807 HP
Notable Drops Forbidden Page2
  • There are a total of 97 Pumpkin Knight mobs, only Jacques de Molay needs to be defeated to end the battle.
  • Once Upon A Time: All party member gains Transparent Märchen-like (HP Recovery Rate Up) [Permanent, Unremovable]
  • Elizabeth "I Will Support You with My Songs~♪" (エリザベート「歌で応援するわね~♪」??) decreases all enemies' Critchndown Critical Chance by 20% and Defensedown Defense by 20% [Permanent, Unremovable, Including Backline]
  • Jacques de Molay
    • At the start of the battle, uses "In the Name of the Mother, the Son, and the Corrupted" (「母と仔と堕落の御名において」??) gives her team (Including Backline) permanent, unremovable buff Buffatk reduces 1 enemy's NP gain by 10% and Star gen by 20% when attacking [3 Turns, Removable], and increases the team's Attackup Attack by 30%
    • Lifebar0 "I See, I See" (「なるほど、なるほど」??) gives all allies aside from her Invincible Invincibility for and Tauntup Taunt [1 Turn, Removable], and gives herself Npgainturn which increase her NP gauge by 1 tick every turn [Permanent, Unremovable]

Cinderella Chambers
シンデレラの間 第4節 祈りを捧げ、地に祝福を
Cinderella's Chambers Act 4: Offer Your Prayers, Give Your Blessings (Curse) Upon this World
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


Act 5

Obtain 260,000 Total Points
Opens at October 24, 2021 18:00 JST

West Forest
西の森 第5節 パンプキンヘッド・マスター
West Forest Act 5: Pumpkin Head Master
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Strange Hut
おかしな小屋 第5節 パンプキンヘッド・マスター
Strange Hut Act 5: Pumpkin Head Master
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 415
(83 per AP)
(880 per AP)
(1,138 per AP)
ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S324A1IconLvl 90, NP3 S325A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S076A2IconLvl 90, NP3 S212A2IconLvl 90, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Greenman
Lvl 32 Class-Berserker-Gold 240,798 HP
Notable Drops Candy House3
  • Once Upon a Time (ワンス・アポン・ア・タイム??) gives Master's party Healup Increased Healing by 10% [Permanent, Unremovable]
  • Greenman has permanent, unremovable passive Buffatk 70% chance to remove a Defense buff when attacking, and if removal is successful, decreases the target's Defensedown Defense by 50% [1 Turn]


Act 6

Obtain 350,000 Total Points
Opens at October 25, 2021 18:00 JST
Monster Forest 2
妖しの森 第6節 カラー・オブ・フォレスト
Forest of Magical Creatures Act 6: Colour of The Forest
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 515
(103 per AP)
(1,080 per AP)
(2,038 per AP)
ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link= SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= Arrow 2

Available NPCS S324A1IconLvl 90, NP3 S325A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S076A2IconLvl 90, NP3 S212A2IconLvl 90, NP3 S125A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Battle 1/1 d'Eon
Lvl 80 Class-Saber-Gold 66,280 HP
Robin Hood
Lvl 80 Class-Archer-Silver 61,122 HP
Watanabe no Tsuna
Lvl 80 Class-Saber-Gold 58,981 HP
Lvl 80 Class-Saber-Silver 62,367 HP
Notable Drops Medal of Great Knight Medal of Great Knight Arrowhead of Maledictions Rainbow Yarn Saber piece Saber piece Saber piece Archer piece
  • At the start of the battle
    • Once Upon a Time (ワンス・アポン・ア・タイム??) gives Master's party Healup Increased Healing by 10% [Permanent, Unremovable]
    • Crazy Drive (クレイジードライブ??) All enemies gain Skillseal Skill Seal, Attackup Attack Up by 50%, and Defenseup 300,000 Damage Cut [3 Times, Unremovable]
  • After 3 Turns, Elizabeth's Recital (エリザベート・リサイタル??) Removes all of Crazy Drive (クレイジードライブ??)'s buffs and debuffs from the enemies

Battle 1/1 Mordred
Lvl 90 Class-Saber-Gold Lifebar1 112,350 HP
Lifebar0 134,820 HP
Notable Drops
  • Elizabeth Báthory (Cinderella) must be in the front line.
  • At the start of the battle
    • Once Upon a Time (ワンス・アポン・ア・タイム??) gives Master's party Healup Increased Healing by 10% [Permanent, Unremovable]
  • Lifebar0 "Can't Be Helped, A Loss is A Loss" (「仕方ねぇ、負けは負けだ」??) Mordred withdraws and the battle ends


Act 7

Obtain 450,000 Total Points
Opens at October 26, 2021 18:00 JST

Castle Front 2
チェイテシンデレラ城前 第7節 メルヘン・ブレイカー!
Csejte Cinderella Castle Front Act 7: Märchen Breaker!
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 715
(143 per AP)
(1,480 per AP)
(4,438 per AP)
Grand Battle 1/1 Dark Young
Lvl 40 Class-Caster-Gold Lifebar1 245,793 HP
Lifebar0 294,741 HP
Notable Drops
  • At the start of the battle
    • Once Upon a Time (ワンス・アポン・ア・タイム??) All party member gains Transparent Märchen-like (HP Recovery Rate Up by 10%) [Permanent, Unremovable]
  • Dark Young has permanent, unremovable DmgResistUp 100% Damage Resistance against Servants with Märchen-like-trait, Invincible Invincibility, and Buffregen Removes debuffs and increases its own NP gauge by 1 tick every turn
  • Battle ends after 2 Turns

Cinderella Chambers 2
シンデレラの間 第7節 メルヘン・ブレイカー!
Cinderella's Chambers Act 7: Märchen Breaker!
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 715
(143 per AP)
(1,480 per AP)
(4,438 per AP)
Available NPCS S325A1IconLvl 90, NP3 S076A2IconLvl 90, NP3 S126A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S298A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S212A2IconLvl 90, NP3 S125A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S013A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S010A2IconLvl 80, NP3
Grand Battle 1/1 Dark Young
Lvl 40 Class-Caster-Gold Lifebar1 245,793 HP
Lifebar0 294,741 HP
Notable Drops Heart of a foreign god Heart of a foreign god Heart of a foreign god Poisonous Apple3
  • At the start of the battle
    • Once Upon a Time (ワンス・アポン・ア・タイム??) All party member gains Transparent Märchen-like (HP Recovery Rate Up by 10%) [Permanent, Unremovable]
    • Dark Young Praise Thee for Reaching The Sea of Stars' Depth (星海の淵ぞ至りて讃えん??) gains 3 stacks of Defenseup Increases Defense by 15% and Defenseup 2,000 Damage cut
  • Cinderella Tour Final (シンデレラツアー・ファイナル??) Removes Once Upon a Time (ワンス・アポン・ア・タイム??)'s buff, gives Master's party Invinciblepierce Ignore Invincible
  • Dark Young
    • Has permanent, unremovable DmgResistUp 100% Damage Resistance against Servants with Märchen-like-trait, Invincible Invincibility, and Buffregen Removes debuffs and increases its own NP gauge by 1 tick every turn
    • Lifebar0 Celebration of Prosperity (繁栄の言祝ぎ??) gains Debuffatk 20% chance to apply death on the target when attacking [Permanent, Unremovable], Critchnup increases Critical Rate by 20% [Permanent, Unremovable], Gutsstatus Revives with 1,000 HP [3 Times, Unremovable], and Attackdown decreases all enemies' Attack by 30% [5 Turns, Unremovable].
  • On turn 3 Super Medley Erzsébet (スーパーメドレー・エルジェーベト??) Removes Dark Young's defense up and damage cut buffs.

Cinderella Chambers 2
シンデレラの間 第7節 メルヘン・ブレイカー!
Cinderella's Chambers Act 7: Märchen Breaker!
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0
  • This quest has an unskippable dialogue.
    • Choosing Option 1 will clear this quest
    • Choosing Option 2 will lead to this quest's failure, forcing the player to replay this dialogue scene.



Cinderella Chambers
シンデレラの間 エピローグ
Cinderella's Chambers Epilogue
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Evil Omen

Cinderella Chambers
シンデレラの間 凶兆
Cinderella's Chambers Evil Omen
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0
Holy Grail

There can be up to a maximum of 6 enemies on the battlefield, instead of the usual 3 enemies, per battle.
(Due to Appearance-Boost CE effects, number of enemies might increase)

Mansion-side Cavern

Mansionside Cavern
屋敷隣の洞窟 世界名作童話 運のない婦人
Mansion-side Cavern World Masterpiece Fairy Tale - The Misfortunate Lady
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
30 215
(7 per AP)
(80 per AP)
(32 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Battle 1/3 Märchen Book
Lvl 10 Class-Saber-Bronze 7,598 HP
Märchen Book
Lvl 11 Class-Saber-Bronze 8,466 HP
Battle 2/3 Glass Hand
Lvl 11 Class-Saber-Bronze 10,582 HP
Märchen Book
Lvl 12 Class-Saber-Bronze 12,219 HP
Fatal Battle 3/3 Annoyed by a Bear who Tried to Woo Me
Lvl 15 Class-Saber-Gold 26,022 HP
Glass Hand
Lvl 12 Class-Saber-Bronze 15,274 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon1489 Forbidden Page Divine Spiricle Vein Shining Gem of Swords Saber piece Candy House3 Sesame Charm3 PinkArrowUp Marchen Point (Cinderella)200 Marchen Point (Cinderella)300 Marchen Point (Cinderella)400 Marchen Point (Snow White)600 Marchen Point (Snow White)800 Marchen Point (Snow White)1000
Copper Apple

Mansionside Cavern
屋敷隣の洞窟 世界名作童話 おおきな瓢箪酒
Mansion-side Cavern World Masterpiece Fairy Tale - The Large Wine Gourd
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
35 315
(9 per AP)
(97 per AP)
(63 per AP)
Battle 1/3 Pumpkin Head
Lvl 19 Class-Caster-Bronze 11,067 HP
Pumpkin Head
Lvl 18 Class-Caster-Bronze 10,672 HP
Pumpkin Head
Lvl 17 Class-Caster-Bronze 10,067 HP
Battle 2/3 Pumpkin Head
Lvl 20 Class-Caster-Bronze 16,194 HP
Pumpkin Head
Lvl 19 Class-Caster-Bronze 15,648 HP
Fatal Battle 3/3 Drink like a Fish
Lvl 26 Class-Caster-Gold 33,864 HP
Pumpkin Head
Lvl 21 Class-Caster-Bronze 22,027 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon1490 Unlucky bone Shining Gem of Spells Caster piece Poisonous Apple3 Candy House3 PinkArrowUp Marchen Point (Cinderella)800 Marchen Point (Cinderella)900 Marchen Point (Red Riding Hood)200 Marchen Point (Red Riding Hood)300 Marchen Point (Red Riding Hood)500
Copper Apple

Mansionside Cavern
屋敷隣の洞窟 世界名作童話 ほら穴の怪物
Mansion-side Cavern World Masterpiece Fairy Tale - Beast of the Grotto
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 415
(10 per AP)
(110 per AP)
(142 per AP)
Battle 1/3 Toy Ballerina
Lvl 20 Class-Berserker-Bronze 14,718 HP
Toy Principal Dancer
Lvl 16 Class-Berserker-Silver 17,633 HP
Toy Ballerina
Lvl 19 Class-Berserker-Bronze 14,021 HP
Battle 2/3 Toy Ballerina
Lvl 22 Class-Berserker-Bronze 22,404 HP
Toy Principal Dancer
Lvl 18