Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki

Summoning Duration: August 1, 2021 00:00 ~ August 15, 2021 12:59 JST

  • Players choose from 12 available Lucky Bag Summon banners. Each banner's pool of servants is categorized by the period that the Servants were released and the classes they belong to.
  • Only Premium (paid for) Saintquartz Saint Quartz can be used to summon in the Lucky Bag Summon banners.
  • Players may only roll on one Lucky Bag Summon banner.
  • Players are guaranteed to summon one Limited 5 Servant and one 4 Servant from their chosen banner's pool of servants. It is possible to summon more than one 5 Servant or one 4 Servant on the chosen Lucky Bag Summon banner.
    • 5 Servants summoned will be picked among those featured on the banner, matching the banner's period and classes.
    • 4 Servants summoned will be picked among those released in the banner's period, regardless of class. So if a player summons from a Three Knights banner, any summoned 4 Servant(s) can be of the four Horsemen classes.
    • 3 Servants summoned will be picked among all classes in the banner's period (as seen below), including Story Locked 3 Servants but excluding Limited 3 Servants.
6th Anniversary Lucky Bag
Pool (Release Date) 5 Servants 4 and 3 Servants
[July 30, 2015 ~ July 29, 2016] Three Knights S068A1Icon S090A1Icon S091A1Icon S012A1Icon S070A1Icon S088A1Icon S003A1Icon S123A1Icon S006A1Icon S010A1Icon S005A1Icon S101A1Icon S121A1Icon S014A1Icon S011A1Icon S122A1Icon S078A1Icon S018A1Icon S087A1Icon S102A1Icon S094A1Icon S066A1Icon S029A1Icon S030A1Icon S100A1Icon S103A1Icon S074A1Icon S120A1Icon S067A1Icon S109A1Icon S046A1Icon S041A1Icon S116A1Icon S058A1Icon S082A1Icon S089A1Icon S047A1Icon S048A1Icon

S007A1Icon S009A1Icon S072A1Icon S126A1Icon S015A1Icon S095A1Icon S063A1Icon S125A1Icon S105A1Icon S013A1Icon S017A1Icon S020A1Icon S071A1Icon S064A1Icon S022A1Icon S028A1Icon S027A1Icon S026A1Icon S023A1Icon S079A1Icon S038A1Icon S104A1Icon S032A1Icon S080A1Icon S031A1Icon S035A1Icon S042A1Icon S124A1Icon S110A1Icon S117A1Icon S081A1Icon S056A1Icon S055A1Icon S049A1Icon

[July 30, 2015 ~ July 29, 2016] Four Horsemen + EXTRA S108A1Icon S112A1Icon S086A1Icon S051A1Icon S114A1Icon S093A1Icon S096A1Icon S106A1Icon
[July 30, 2016 ~ July 29, 2017] Three Knights S160A1Icon S153A1Icon S129A1Icon S142A1Icon S156A1Icon S128A1Icon S165A1Icon S131A1Icon S157A1Icon S140A1Icon S134A1Icon S146A1Icon S132A1Icon S145A1Icon S130A1Icon S159A1Icon S170A1Icon S171A1Icon S135A1Icon S147A1Icon S158A1Icon S164A1Icon

S148A1Icon S172A1Icon

[July 30, 2016 ~ July 29, 2017] Four Horsemen + EXTRA S136A1Icon S150A1Icon S127A1Icon S139A1Icon S154A1Icon S155A1Icon S161A1Icon S167A1Icon S163A1Icon
[July 30, 2017 ~ July 29, 2018] Three Knights + EXTRA S213A1Icon S196A1Icon S173A1Icon S209A1Icon S195A1Icon S198A1Icon S176A1Icon S187A1Icon S200A1Icon S180A1Icon S207A1Icon S184A1Icon S193A1Icon S183A1Icon S181A1Icon S214A1Icon S192A1Icon S194A1Icon S188A1Icon S177A1Icon S185A1Icon S202A1Icon S178A1Icon

S186A1Icon S203A1Icon S204A1Icon

[July 30, 2017 ~ July 29, 2018] Four Horsemen S179A1Icon S205A1Icon S175A1Icon S215A1Icon S199A1Icon
[July 30, 2018 ~ July 29, 2019] Three Knights + EXTRA S234A1Icon S216A1Icon S229A1Icon S250A1Icon S238A1Icon S220A1Icon S221A1Icon S223A1Icon S245A1Icon S227A1Icon S248A1Icon S217A1Icon S228A1Icon S236A1Icon S218A1Icon S230A1Icon S242A1Icon S222A1Icon

S246A1Icon S231A1Icon S249A1Icon

[July 30, 2018 ~ July 29, 2019] Four Horsemen S241A1Icon S237A1Icon S239A1Icon S247A1Icon
[July 30, 2019 ~ July 29, 2020] Three Knights S270A1Icon S276A1Icon S272A1Icon S280A1Icon S262A1Icon S269A1Icon S279A1Icon S266A1Icon S263A1Icon S267A1Icon S282A1Icon


[July 30, 2019 ~ July 29, 2020] Four Horsemen + EXTRA S253A1Icon S261A1Icon S265A1Icon S268A1Icon S281A1Icon S275A1Icon
[July 30, 2020 ~ July 29, 2021] Three Knights + EXTRA (2020) S299A1Icon S302A1Icon S312A1Icon S292A1Icon S297A1Icon S285A1Icon S289A1Icon S295A1Icon S293A1Icon S290A1Icon S310A1Icon S298A1Icon S286A1Icon S311A1Icon S313A1Icon S291A1Icon S287A1Icon

S007A1Icon S009A1Icon S072A1Icon S126A1Icon S246A1Icon S015A1Icon S095A1Icon S063A1Icon S125A1Icon S105A1Icon S013A1Icon S017A1Icon S020A1Icon S148A1Icon S071A1Icon S064A1Icon S186A1Icon S022A1Icon S028A1Icon S027A1Icon S172A1Icon S231A1Icon S026A1Icon S273A1Icon S023A1Icon S203A1Icon S249A1Icon S079A1Icon S038A1Icon S104A1Icon S032A1Icon S080A1Icon S031A1Icon S035A1Icon S042A1Icon S124A1Icon S110A1Icon S117A1Icon S081A1Icon S056A1Icon S055A1Icon S049A1Icon S204A1Icon

[July 30, 2020 ~ July 29, 2021] Four Horsemen + EXTRA (2021) S284A1Icon S307A1Icon S309A1Icon S305A1Icon S303A1Icon