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Fate/Grand Order Wiki
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Japanese Name: エウロペ
AKA:AKA: Europe
ID: 274 Cost: 16
ATK:ATK: 1,813/11,737 HP:HP: 1,843/12,571
Lv.100 Grail ATK:Lv.100 Grail ATK: 12,848 Lv.100 Grail HP:Lv.100 Grail HP: 13,219
Lv.120 Grail ATK:Lv.120 Grail ATK: 15,081 Lv.120 Grail HP:Lv.120 Grail HP: 16,186
Voice Actor: M・A・O Illustrator: redjuice
Attribute: Sky Growth Curve: Linear
Critabsup Star Absorption:Critabsup Star Absorption:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Star Absorption: 205 Stargainup Star Generation:Stargainup Star Generation:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Star Generation: 8.9%
Npchargeup NP Charge ATK:Npchargeup NP Charge ATK:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= NP Charge ATK: 0.58% NPGainUpDmg NP Charge DEF:NPGainUpDmg NP Charge DEF:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= NP Charge DEF: 3%
Instapowerup Death Rate:Instapowerup Death Rate:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Death Rate: 35% Alignments: NeutralGood
Gender: Female
Basic Traits: Divine SpiritDivinityHominidae ServantHumanoidRidingServantSeven Knights ServantWeak to Enuma Elish
Hits:  Quick Hits3  |  Arts Hits3  |  Buster Hits1  |  Extra Hits5
Active Skills Passive Skills Append Skills Noble Phantasm Ascension
Skill Upgrade Stats Bond Level Biography Trivia

Active Skills

Available from the start
Invincible Grants self Invincibility for 3 attacks.
Increases own debuff resistance for 3 times.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Resistanceup Debuff Res + 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 100%
Cooldown 8 7 6

Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Increases own Arts performance for 3 turns.
Increases own Buster performance for 3 turns.
Charges own NP gauge.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Artsupstatus Arts + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
Busterupstatus Buster + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
NpCharge NP + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%
Cooldown 8 7 6

Unlocks after 3rd Ascension
Charmstatus 60% Chance to Charm all enemies for 1 turn.
Reduces their defense for 3 turns.
Reduces their critical attack chance for 3 turns.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Defensedown Defense - 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%
Critchndown Crit Chance - 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%
Cooldown 9 8 7

Passive Skills

1 Anti magic Magic Resistance C
Resistanceup Increases own debuff resistance by 15%.
2 Riding Riding A+
Quickupstatus Increases own Quick performance by 11%.
3 Divinity Divinity C
Powerup Increases own damage by 150.

Append Skills

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Damageup Extra Attack Finesse Improvement
Increases own Extra Attack performance.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Extraattackup Extra Attack + 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Startnp Mana Loading
Starts battle with NP gauge charged.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
NpCharge NP + 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Atk up Anti-Ruler Attack Damage Aptitude
Increases own attack against Class-Ruler-Gold Ruler enemies.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Attackup vs. Ruler Attack + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Critdmg Special Attack Finesse Improvement
Increases own critical damage.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Critdmgup Crit Damage + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Skillreloading Skill Reloading
Reduces the cooldown of the skill by 1 after activation for N times. (Once per skill)
(N: Based on Skill Level.)
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Skillcooldown Reduction Available Count + 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3

Noble Phantasm

Base Damage: x1.5
Rank Noble Phantasm Type
A Anti-Army
Hits Per Hit Percentage
4 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%
Effect Defenseup Increases own defense by 50% for 1 turn. (Activates first)(Activates first)
Deals damage to all enemies.
NP Level 1 2 3 4 5
Powerup Damage + 300% 400% 450% 475% 500%
Overcharge Effect Increases own Buster performance for 1 turn. (Activates first)(Activates first)
Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
Busterupstatus Buster + 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%


Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Rider piece5 QPicon100,000
2nd Rider piece12 Yggdrasil Seed9 QPicon300,000
3rd Rider monument5 Spiritroot4 DawnlightReactorCoreIcon3 QPicon1,000,000
4th Rider monument12 DawnlightReactorCoreIcon6 Comet Shard5 QPicon3,000,000

Skill Reinforcement

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Shining Gem of Cavalry5 QPicon200,000
2nd Shining Gem of Cavalry12 QPicon400,000
3rd Magic Gem of Cavalry5 QPicon1,200,000
4th Magic Gem of Cavalry12 Spiritroot2 QPicon1,600,000
5th Secret Gem of Cavalry5 Spiritroot4 QPicon4,000,000
6th Secret Gem of Cavalry12 Yggdrasil Seed6 QPicon5,000,000
7th Yggdrasil Seed12 Crown of Radiant Silver6 QPicon10,000,000
8th Crown of Radiant Silver18 Comet Shard10 QPicon12,000,000
9th Crystallized Lore1 QPicon20,000,000

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Shining Gem of Cavalry5 QPicon200,000
2nd Shining Gem of Cavalry12 QPicon400,000
3rd Magic Gem of Cavalry5 QPicon1,200,000
4th Magic Gem of Cavalry12 Meteoric horseshoe5 QPicon1,600,000
5th Secret Gem of Cavalry5 Meteoric horseshoe10 QPicon4,000,000
6th Secret Gem of Cavalry12 Heart of a foreign god2 QPicon5,000,000
7th Heart of a foreign god4 DawnlightReactorCoreIcon4 QPicon10,000,000
8th DawnlightReactorCoreIcon11 Divine Spiricle Vein24 QPicon12,000,000
9th Crystallized Lore1 QPicon20,000,000


Strength:Strength: E
Endurance:Endurance: E
Agility:Agility: D
Mana:Mana: B
Luck:Luck: A+

Bond Level

Bond Level 1 BondLevel1 2 BondLevel2 3 BondLevel3 4 BondLevel4 5 BondLevel5 6 BondLevel6 7 BondLevel7 8 BondLevel8 9 BondLevel9 10 BondLevel10
Bond Required 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 300,000 300,000 320,000 240,000 380,000
Total Bond 1,000 2,500 4,500 7,000 10,000 310,000 610,000 930,000 1,170,000 1,550,000
Rewards ServantCoin2745 ServantCoin2745 ServantCoin2745 ServantCoin2745 ServantCoin2745 ServantCoin2745 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin27420 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin27420 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin27420 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin27440
Max Bond Craft Essence Bond CE
Bond 10 Craft Essence CEIcon1135 White Bull
When equipped on Europa:
Artsupstatus Increases party's Arts performance by 10%,
Busterupstatus Increases party's Buster performance by 10%
while self is on the field.
Chaldean Visionary Flames [?][?]
11 BondLevel1 12 BondLevel2 13 BondLevel3 14 BondLevel4 15 BondLevel5
1,090,000 1,230,000 1,360,000 1,500,000 1,640,000
2,640,000 3,870,000 5,230,000 6,730,000 8,370,000
Rewards ServantCoin27450 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin27460 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin27460 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin27460 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin27460 Saintquartz30


The divine consort has made her grand descent into this world.
With my immaculate Divine Construct in tow... Um, what exactly does Divine Construct mean?
Unlock Description Translation🛈🛈
Default ギリシャ神話に登場するお姫さま。



NA Localization: A princess of Greek myth, Europa is best known as one of the many consorts of Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods. She is the daughter of the Phoenician King Agenor and Queen Telephassa, though some say that she is instead the daughter of Agenor's son, Phoenix. Whatever her lineage, the fact remains that she was born a princess.

Europa received three gifts from Zeus: a bronze Tálos, a hunting dog, and a javelin. After her death, Europa was deified, and the white bull that carried her on its back later became the constellation Taurus. One theory holds that Europa's name is the origin of the name of the continent Europe.

Fan Translation: A Princess that appears in ancient Greek Mythology.
Known for her status as a consort that wed Zeus.
Born between the union of the Phoencian King Agenor and Telephassa the wife of Agenor. Though at times she has been said to be the daughter of Agenor's son Phoinix, this does not change the undeniable fact of her being born as a Princess.
Europa carries with her three gifts that were gifted to her by Zeus.
Those three gifts are, the Bronze Giant Talos, Laelaps the hunting dog, and a javelin true to its aim.
Following her death and deification, she came to be in the form of a girl riding on the back of a pure-white bull, Taurus of the Zodiac.
According to one tale, Europe's name is said to have found its origin within her name.

Bond 1 身長/体重:155cm・44kg

属性:中立・善  副属性:天  性別:女性

NA Localization: Height/Weight: 155cm, 44kg
Origin: Origin: Greek Mythology
Region: Europe
Alignment: Neutral-Good
Gender: Female

She sees herself more as a mother goddess than a divine consort, and so she considers all European Heroic Spirits that lived after her time to be her grandchildren or descendants.

Fan Translation: Height/Weight: 155 cm/44 kg
Source: Greek mythology
Origin: Europe
Alignment: Neutral Good
Attribute: Sky
Gender: Female
Her conscience is stronger as a grandmother than as a divine consort, so it seems she recognizes European Heroic Spirits from later eras as her "grandchildren" and "great-grandchildren".

Bond 2 ふんわりとして慈悲深い姫。



NA Localization: A gentle and compassionate princess. She's carefree, unassuming, good-natured, and she doesn't dwell on the small details. Her typical reactions to most things are to smile warmly, to be spaced out, or look sleepy. She does not flinch even if Divine Beasts or giants appear before her, and she didn't even panic when she was kidnapped by the king of gods. One can only conclude that she is either naturally ditzy or that she carries herself with dignity appropriate to a consort of a god...

A fellow goddess and divine consort once remarked, "She probably doesn't even have a grasp of reality." And yet Europa simply smiled when she heard that.

Fan Translation: A bubbly and merciful Princess. Someone who is relaxed and easy-going. Not worrying about the small things while being open-hearted in nature. If you were to come across her, you would probably see her in one of the three following states, her kindly smiling away, her being bubbly, or her half-asleep. Not even batting an eye when divine beasts and giants appear in front of her. Not panicking even when the chief-god comes to take her away. Should we look at this as her being in her own little world? Or as having the most suitable disposition of a consort to the greatest being in existence…?

"Does she actually pay any attention to what's going on?" the other goddesses and consorts would say.

However, even if such things were to enter her ears, she would just continue smiling away.

Bond 3 主神の寵愛:A+



NA Localization: Grace of the King of Gods: A+
Europa was deeply loved by the highest being in Greek mythology: Zeus. As such, this skill provides numerous protections. It does risk invoking the wrath of Zeus's wife Hera, but Europa herself doesn't seem to mind, since in her eyes, Hera is a great goddess who should be revered and respected.

The King of Gods' White Bull: C
The white bull that Europa encountered—which was Zeus taking the guise of the bull—was a Divine Beast that possessed strong Charm, and it is the bull that was later made into the constellation Taurus. It is said to captivate anyone who lays eyes on it. This skill derives from the bull Europa rode, rather than from the goddess herself.

Fan Translation: Affection of Chief-God: A+
Europa was deeply loved by the one at the pinnacle of existences from Greek mythology, Zeus. A skill that carries many blessings of protection. And, at the same time holding the risk of invoking the wrath of Zeus' wife, the Goddess Hera. However, Europa doesn't pay heed to this at all. For her, Hera is an extraordinary goddess that should be respected and loved.

White Bull of Chief-God: C
Zeus who Europa had the luck to meet, in other words, the White Bull is a divine beast that possesses powerful charm and is the very same Taurus as the one from the Zodiac. Those who lay eyes upon the bull will be drawn in by its charm.

Rather than this actually being a skill of Europa, it is one that envelops the Bull she rides.

Bond 4 『愛らしき白き牡牛』

ランク:B 種別:対軍宝具
レンジ:1~50 最大捕捉:100人



NA Localization: 『Chiónis Taurus』
Rank: B
NP Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1 - 50
Maximum Target: 100

Beloved White Bull.
A continuously active Noble Phantasm. The white bull whose form Zeus took as his avatar...or at least something closely resembling it. This Noble Phantasm was a gift from Zeus to Europa to protect her, and initially it appeared as a hound, just like in the myth. However Europa was heard to say, "I'd rather have it look like you. It would look so lovely, and it would be a perfect pillow." After she said this, it changed form.

It constantly protects Europa when she rides on its back, and is capable of traveling anywhere, even over the surface of the sea. This Noble Phantasm is the very reason Europa manifested as a Rider. The moment its True Name is revealed, it should be able to gallantly run through enemy territory, but its True Name will not be revealed in this game.

As a side note, the skill "The King of Gods' White Bull" has been assigned thanks to this Noble Phantasm.

Fan Translation: 『My Dear White Bull』
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1 ~ 50
Maximum targets: 100 people

Chionis Tauros
Unrestricted activation type Noble Phantasm. Avatar of the Great God Zeus, the White Bull…. or a Noble Phantasm that greatly resembles it. Gifted by Zeus to his beloved Europa in order to protect her, at first it was in the form of her hunting dog Laelaps, but due to her saying "Maybe, it would be nice for you to be the same form as my husband when I met him. He was really cute and the perfect pillow." the form changed from her dog to that of the white bull.

Always guarding Europa who rides on its back.

Able to travel in a variety of places except for on top of the ocean. This is the reason Europa appeared as a Rider.

Provided its true name is released, it will be able to valiantly run through enemy armies or wherever needed. However, in this story the true name hasn't been brought to light.

Furthermore, the skill 'White Bull of Chief-God' came into being due to this Noble Phantasm.

Bond 5 『青銅巨人の超重鎚』

ランク:A 種別:対軍宝具
レンジ:1~50 最大捕捉:100人




NA Localization: 『Sfyrí tou Tálos』
Rank: A
NP Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1 - 50
Maximum Target: 100

The Bronze Giant's Super Massive Hammer.
Another Noble Phantasm that was gifted by Zeus. It's the bronze monster Tálos, an autonomous machine from the Age of Gods. This incredible weapon was crafted by none other than Hephaestus, one of the twelve gods of Olympus, and it was bestowed upon Europa by Zeus himself. The Noble Phantasm's sole and ultimate purpose is to protect Europa at all costs. Its durability is remarkable, and not even the gods can readily destroy it. While originally not a giant, but a monster, the fact that it was frequently mistaken for the Colossus of Rhodes has caused it to take the shape of a giant we see today.

It automatically detects and annihilates enemies. When it gets angry, its limbs become red-hot as it lunges at the target, and any ordinary creature would disintegrate in an instant on contact. In this game, the giant is summoned every time it's needed for attack, or when its True Name is revealed. It then detects its enemies and instantly flies into a rage. Its scorching hot iron fist hammers down into enemy territory.

Long ago, on the Island of Crete, Europa often rode on Tálos's shoulders for fun, but this was very troubling for Tálos since it heats up whenever it gets angry. Please come down, my mistress. Tálos doesn't like the witch Medea. During the Age of Gods, she managed to attack its weakpoint—the heel—and the blood of the gods, known as ichor, which was also its source for magical energy, spilled out and immobilized it.

Fan Translation: 『Bronze Giant's Ultra-Heavy Mallet』
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1 ~ 50
Maximum targets: 100 people

Sfyrí tou Tálos

One of the Noble Phantasms gifted by the Great God Zeus.

An automaton from the Age of Gods. The Bronze Monster Talos. A superweapon constructed by Hephaestus one of the 12 gods of Olympus. With the sole purpose of Europa's complete and guaranteed protection. With durability that cannot be penetrated without ease by anyone other than the Gods.

Originally not a giant, but a monster. However, due to it mixing with the Colossus of Rhodes it gained the ability to take the shape of a giant.

Talos automatically detects potential threats and proceeds to eradicate said threats.

Upon being angered, its legs and hands become like molten lava. A normal life form will instantly disappear into steam from the immense heat. In times past, Europa would ride on Talos' shoulders around the Island of Crete having fun. However, due to the heat generated when angered, Talos encountered a lot of problems such as having to let his master down from him in a great rush.

One thing in the world Talos has trouble with is a witch named Medea. During the Age of Gods Medea attacked Talos' heels which are its weak point. From this, the source of its magic power the gods' blood 'ichor' leaked resulting in loss of functionality.

Unlock at Bond Level 5 and Clear Olympus
Extra 第五の異聞帯では人理のサーヴァントとして現界を果たすも、異聞帯の王・主神ゼウスに逆らう事はできず、ゼウスの言葉を代弁する巫女として星間都市山脈オリュンポスの人々を支配していた。




NA Localization: In the Fifth Lostbelt, despite manifesting as a Servant of Humanity, she was unable to go against the will of the Lostbelt King, Zeus, and she ended up controlling the people of Olympus as a priestess who spoke on his behalf.
In actuality, she was secretly aiding the God Destroying Alliance, despite being aware of how dangerous such an act was.

Upon her manifestation in Chaldea, it appears that she has no memory of what happened in the Lostbelt...

Should she ever find out about the events in the Fifth Lostbelt, she will doubtless shed tears of sadness and prayer for the numerous lives that were lost...and for the two who were so close to one another.

Fan Translation: She appeared in the Fifth Lostbelt as a Servant from Pan-Human History, but being unable to go against the will of the Lostbelt King Zeus, she ended up controlling the people of Olympus as a priestess that acted as his proxy. However…

In reality, she was secretly aiding the Alliance of God Slayers even though she fully understood the danger it posed to her life.

Upon manifesting in Chaldea, she has no recollection of the events that occured in the Lostbelt. However…

If she actually came to know about what had happened in that Lostbelt, without a doubt, she would tighten her lips and begin to weep in sorrow uncontrollably from the bottom of her heart for the countless lives lost and the two who were so close to one another.

April Fool めがみサーヴァント


Goddess-Type Servant

One of Zeus's wives. She commands over a giant robot bull and a giant humanoid robot. She's extremely tolerant and she will spoil anyone by showering them with love. She's like a kind grandma who walks around giving people candy.


  • She is the Servant with the most dialogue targets.
  • Europa possesses a second Noble Phantasm, Chionis Tauros: My Dear White Bull, but it is not used in the game.