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Elegant Classic Phantom Thief Hat

Japanese Name: 優雅典雅な怪盗帽ゆうがてんがなかいとうぼう
AKA:AKA: Elegant Phantom Thief HatElegant Phantom Thief Hat
ID: 88 Illustrator: logA
Supression Effect
BuffRemoval Removes one latest Nppowerup NP Damage Up buff from enemy when attacking with the engraved card.
If successfully removed, Defensedown 500% Chance to inflict Defense Down debuff against Bustermini Buster Cards by 10% for 3 turns to them.


Description Translation🛈🛈



NA Localization: The hat a young man who wishes for the salvation of his people wears when he dons his phantom thief costume on his mission to liberate a...certain item.

This costume is not simply for play; it supposedly functions as a full-fledged Spiritron Dress.

"Promises must be kept."

Fan Translation: The hat of the phantom thief costume that a young man who wished for people's salvation, in order to free a certain thing, has dressed up as.

It is said that it is not a simple roleplay set, but functions as a full Spiritual Costume.

"Promises are important, after all."

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