Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
This is a Limited Craft Essence Limited
It is only available during special summoning campaigns. When no such campaigns are active, this Craft Essence cannot be summoned.
Craft Essence
★ ★ ★ ★

Doc Kykeon

Original Name: ドック・キュケオン
ID: 1579 Illustrator: Akinashi Yū
ATK:ATK: 0/0 HP:HP: 600/2250
Cost: 9 Max Level: 80
Immune Debuff Normal Effect
Debuffimmune Grants Debuff Immunity for 1 time.
Artsupstatus Increases Arts performance by 5%.
Busterupstatus Increases Buster performance by 5%.
Max Limit Break Effect
Debuffimmune Grants Debuff Immunity for 1 time.
Artsupstatus Increases Arts performance by 8%.
Busterupstatus Increases Buster performance by 8%.

This Craft Essence is available during the Battle in New York 2022.

Event Bonus

Event Non Limit Break Max Limit Break
Battle in New York 2022 Galaxy Hotdog Drop +1 Galaxy Hotdog Drop +2


Description Translation🛈🛈




NA Localization: One of the most prominent genius Casters of the century, best known for her discovery of Kykeon Particles. Now that she's detected particles in New York as well, she has devoted herself completely to her fieldwork.

Be careful if you cross her path, as she has a habit of turning people into adorable piglets.

Fan Translation: The genius caster of the century, who was known for having discovered the Kykeon particle.

To find out if there are any reactions to the particles in New York, Earth, she has been doing fieldwork all over the places.

Since she would casually turn others into piglets, be careful when you encounter her.

Cards with Similar Effects


