Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Name Icon Description🛈🛈
カルデアの夢火 ChaldeanVisionaryFlames Icon


NA Localization:
A lantern that can light the way to improbable miracles.
It is said that it can exceed even limits set in place by the Throne itself, but only at the observatory that oversees humanity.

Fan Translation:
The lantern that is capable of displaying miracles that are essentially impossible to happen.
It is nothing but an observatory that watches over humanity,
but it is also said to be more than just that, once it has fully established its position.

Chaldean Visionary Flames
(Lantern of ChaldeaLantern of Chaldea)
Dropped by
Various login campaigns
Event Rewards
Location [Possible Drops] [AP Cost]
Da Vinci's Workshop - Rare Prism Exchange
To unlock a servant's Maximum Bond Level Capacity to 11 until 15.
(One level at a time)
See Bond Points for more information regarding this item.