Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
For Enemy Category, see Category:Serpent (Enemy).

Trait Servants
S299A1Icon S384A1Icon S134A1Icon S146A1Icon S266A1Icon S300A1Icon S329A1Icon S433A1Icon S023A1Icon S144A1Icon S211A1Icon S225A1Icon S249A1Icon S112A1Icon S139A1Icon S185A1Icon S056A1Icon S355A1Icon S233A1Icon S147A1Icon S369A1Icon
Guide SaintGraph Icon Ascension Skin, CostumeIcon Costume Dress
Trait Enemies
BašmuIcon ChimeraIcon D'yavol TronIcon Death SerpentIcon DragonewtIcon GdonIcon Gigant SerpentIcon Gorgon (Enemy)Icon Hell SerpentIcon HydraIcon LamiaIcon Lamia QueenIcon MahānagaIcon MušḫuššuIcon MušmaḫḫūIcon NagaIcon Naga RajaIcon NueIcon Origin ChimeraIcon Origin HydraIcon Origin LamiaIcon OrochiIcon Rattle OrochiIcon SerpentIcon Super ChimeraIcon The Serpent King ZahhakIcon UšumgalluIcon White ChimeraIcon
Traits Servants with Special Damage
Serpent S434A1Iconpx
Guide px Active Skills, px Noble Phantasm, Powerup Buff Type Noble Phantasm, Instapowerup Instant-Kill, Dragontrait Add Trait
For other effects see status effects.

Skill Icon Related Active Skills[]

Statusup Buff[]

Icon Skill Link User Effects
Taunt Golden Rule (Serpent & Body) S434A1Icon Tauntup 500% Chance to draw attention of all Serpent or Dragon enemies to self by 300% for 3 turns.
Debuffimmune Grants self Debuff Immunity for 1 time, 3 turns.
Recovers own HP every turn for 3 turns.
Charges own NP gauge.
NpCharge Charges own NP gauge by 10% based on the number of Serpent or Dragon units on the field.
Quickartsup Miraculous Hair S434A1Icon Increases own Quick performance for 3 turns.
Increases own Arts performance for 3 turns.
Increases own critical damage for 3 turns.
Increases the critical damage of Serpent or Dragon allies except self for 3 turns.
Dodge Protection from the Mountain God S434A1Icon Grants self Evasion for 2 attacks, 3 turns.
Gains critical stars every turn for 3 turns.
Increases own NP damage for 3 turns.
Increases the NP damage of Serpent or Dragon allies except self for 3 turns.

Statusdown Debuff[]


NP Icon Related Noble Phantasms[]

Statusup Buff / Damage Up[]

Type Noble Phantasm Link User Effects
Legend of Kurohime - Hair-Felling S434A1Icon
Effects Surehit Ignores Evasion for 1 turn. (Activates first)(Activates first)
Ignoredefense Ignores Defense for 1 turn. (Activates first)(Activates first)
Deals damage to one enemy.
Artsresistdown Reduces their Arts resistance by 20% for 3 turns.
Overcharge Effects Deals extra damage against Serpent or Dragon enemies.

Statusdown Debuff / Instant-Kill[]


Related Passive Skills[]

Statusup Buff[]


Statusdown Debuff[]


CE Icon ID Craft Essence Name Stars Effect
CEIcon2172 2172 Takanashi's Treasured Sword Max Bond Craft Essence ★ ★ ★ ★
Damageup Effect
When equipped on Kurohime:
Powerup Increases party's damage against Serpent or Dragon enemies by 10%,
Critdmgup Increases party's critical damage by 20%
while self is on the field.

Not Found.

All items (49)
