Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki


Battleship Kurofune

Japanese Name: 戦艦・クロフネ
AKA:AKA: 16th Shōgun - Tokugawa Kurofune (第16代将軍・徳川クロフネ??)
ID: - Rank: Gold
Attributes: Sky Alignments: None
Charges: Class-Rider-Gold 5 / Class-Saber-Gold 4 Actions: 3
Instapowerup Death Rate:Death Rate: 0% Critchnup Crit Chance:Crit Chance: Class-Rider-Gold 15% / Class-Saber-Gold 10%
Hitcountup Hits: Normal: 1 AoE / Critical: 3 Single Gender: None
Basic Traits: Artificial DemonSuper Large
Appeared in: Tales of Chaldean Heavy Industries
Drops: DawnlightReactorCoreIcon
Active Skills Passive Skills Noble Phantasm Recommendation
Variations Trivia Images

Battleship Kurofune is a boss introduced in Tales of Chaldean Heavy Industries.

Active Skills

Class Skill Effect
Powerup Increases damage by 500 for 2 turns.
Defenseup Increases defense by 30% for 2 turns.
Remove all debuffs from self.
NppowerupNppowerupTooltip for 25px|link= Increases own NP damage by 30% for 2 turns.
DebuffimmuneDebuffimmuneTooltip for 25px|link= Grant self NP seal immunity and immobility debuff immunity.
(Immobility Debuffs: StunstatusStunstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, CharmstatusCharmstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, PigPigTooltip for 25px|link=, SleepSleepTooltip for 25px|link=, EternalsleepEternalsleepTooltip for 25px|link=, QuicksealQuicksealTooltip for 25px|link=, ArtssealArtssealTooltip for 25px|link=, BustersealBustersealTooltip for 25px|link=, SealattackSealattackTooltip for 25px|link=)
NpCharge Increases own NP gauge to MAX.
AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link= Increases own attack by 30%.
Attackdown Decreases one enemy's attack by 30% for 3 times, 3 turns.
Skillseal 50% chance to inflict skill seal on all enemies for 1 turn.
BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Buffs self with delayed buff that will randomly trigger one of the following effects each turn:
Stunstatus Stun an enemy for 1 turn, Resistancedown Decrease buff success rate for an enemy by 50% for 1 turn, or Attackdown Decrease an enemy's attack by 50% for 1 turn.
DelayedBuffDelayedBuffTooltip for 25px|link= Buff self with delayed buff which activates when attacked for 3 turns that Attackup increases own attack by 5%.
DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Increase own defense against Noble Phantasm attacks by 50% for 3 turns.
Remove offensive buffs from all enemies.
(Offensive Buffs: AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link=, QuickupstatusQuickupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, ArtsupstatusArtsupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, BusterupstatusBusterupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, SpecialpowerupSpecialpowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, CritchnupCritchnupTooltip for 25px|link=, CritdmgupCritdmgupTooltip for 25px|link=, NppowerupNppowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, NpdamageupboostNpdamageupboostTooltip for 25px|link=, SurehitSurehitTooltip for 25px|link=, InvinciblepierceInvinciblepierceTooltip for 25px|link=, IgnoredefenseIgnoredefenseTooltip for 25px|link=, HitcountupHitcountupTooltip for 25px|link=, DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link=)
DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Buffs self with delayed debuff when attacking that NpChargeDrain has a 20% chance to drain the target's NP gauge by 10%.
DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link= Increase own defense by 30% for 5 turns.
NpgainturnNpgainturnTooltip for 25px|link= Increase own NP gauge by 1 each turn.
AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link= Increases own attack by 30%.
DefensedownDefensedownTooltip for 25px|link= Decreases own defense by 20%. [Demerit]

Passive Skills

Class Skill Effect
Class-Saber-GoldClass-Rider-Gold Hidden Passive Debuffimmune Immune to Pigify

Noble Phantasms

Class Noble Phantasm Effect
(1 Hit - 100%)
Powerup Deals 500% damage that pierces defense to all enemies.
Defensedown Reduces their defense by 20% for 3 turns.
(1 Hit - 100%)
Powerup Deals 500% damage that pierces defense to all enemies.
Healdown Reduces their healing received by 100% for 3 turns.

Recommended Servants

Traits Servants with Special Damage
Artificial Demon None.
Super Large S160A1Iconpx S200A1Iconpx S347A1Iconpx S296A1Iconpx S371A1Iconpx S422A1Iconpx
Class Servants with Special Damage
Class-Saber-Gold Saber S086A1Iconpx S155A1Iconpx[1] S222A1Iconpx[1] S261A1Iconpx[1]
  1. [1]: Only Servant
Class-Rider-Gold Rider S368A1Iconpx
Attributes Servants with Special Damage
Sky S090A1Iconpx S077A1Iconpx[1] S383A1IconPoweruppx S114A1Iconpx[1] S250A1Iconpx S421A1IconPoweruppx S424A1Iconpx S425A1Iconpx S209A1Iconpx S281A1Iconpx
  1. [1]: Only Servant
Guide px Active Skills, px Noble Phantasm, Powerup Buff Type Noble Phantasm, Instapowerup Instant-Kill, Dragontrait Add Trait
For other effects see status effects.

