Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Class Drops Recommended CE
Class-Saber-Gold Spiritroot Dragon's Reverse Scale Stinger of Certain Death Dragon Fang Hippogriff Plushie CEIcon80 CEIcon988 CEIcon795 CEIcon794
Class-Archer-Gold Horsehorn Phoenix Plume Meteoric horseshoe Stimulus Gunpowder Chalk of The Sage CEIcon80 CEIcon988 CEIcon795 CEIcon792
Class-Lancer-Gold Bloodstone Tear Cursed Beast Cholecyst Iron Stake Unlucky bone Ilias Iliadis Charti CEIcon80 CEIcon988 CEIcon795 CEIcon793
Class-Rider-Gold Bizarre God Wine Primordial Lanugo Octuplet Twin Crystals Permafrost Ice Crystal Hippogriff Plushie CEIcon80 CEIcon988 CEIcon795 CEIcon794
Class-Caster-Gold Scarab of Wisdom Snake jewel Infinity Gear Forbidden Page Ilias Iliadis Charti CEIcon80 CEIcon988 CEIcon795 CEIcon793
Class-Assassin-Gold Heart of a foreign god Black Tallow Chains of The Fool Void's Refuse Chalk of The Sage CEIcon80 CEIcon988 CEIcon795 CEIcon792
Class-Berserker-Gold Talon of chaos Lamp of Demon Sealing Yggdrasil Seed Magical Cerebrospinal Fluid icon CEIcon80 CEIcon988 CEIcon795


Next Raid Appearance - GreaterGrailMap Battle 5: Arrow 2, Withered Battlefield Battle 2: Arrow 3,
Battle 5: GreaterGrailMap Arrow 4 ~ ??? 8, ??? Battle 1: Arrow 9.
City of Trifas
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔剣〕討伐戦 幼竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Saber) Subjugation Battle : Young Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 415
(10 per AP)
(110 per AP)
(142 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 55 Class-Saber-Gold 156,263 HP
Random 1 of: Saber of "Red"
Lvl 35 Class-Saber-Gold 103,567 HP
Saber of "Black"
Lvl 69 Class-Saber-Gold 102,129 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Spiritroot Dragon's Reverse Scale Stinger of Certain Death Dragon Fang Saber monument Saber piece Dragon Coin2,000 Dragon Coin4,000 Hippogriff Plushie3 QPicon300K QPicon400K QPicon490K QPicon500K

City of Trifas
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔剣〕討伐戦 成竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Saber) Subjugation Battle : Adult Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 615
(15 per AP)
(160 per AP)
(392 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 75 Class-Saber-Gold 274,265 HP
Random 1 of: Saber of "Red"
Lvl 62 Class-Saber-Gold 182,032 HP
Saber of "Black"
Lvl 71 Class-Saber-Gold 177,003 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Spiritroot Dragon's Reverse Scale Stinger of Certain Death Dragon Fang Saber monument Saber piece Dragon Coin2,300 Dragon Coin2,700 Dragon Coin4,500 Hippogriff Plushie3 QPicon300K QPicon400K QPicon470K QPicon500K

City of Trifas
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔剣〕討伐戦 邪竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Saber) Subjugation Battle : Evil Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 815
(20 per AP)
(210 per AP)
(742 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 85 Class-Saber-Gold 409,111 HP
Random 1 of: Saber of "Red"
Lvl 71 Class-Saber-Gold 272,314 HP
Saber of "Black"
Lvl 90 Class-Saber-Gold 272,120 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Spiritroot Dragon's Reverse Scale Stinger of Certain Death Dragon Fang Saber monument Saber piece Dragon Coin3,000 Dragon Coin6,000 Hippogriff Plushie3-5 QPicon300K QPicon400K QPicon490K QPicon500K
  • Offensive Mimesis: Heaven's Feel Mimicry gets Attack Up each time it receives damage, for 3 turns. [Unremovable]


Next Raid Appearance - HGOBCity Battle 4: Arrow 2, ??? Battle 5: Arrow 3, Forest of Delusions Battle 3: Arrow 5,
Battle 5: GreaterGrailMap Arrow 5 to ??? 6, ??? Battle 1: Arrow 8.
Forest of Delusions
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔弓〕討伐戦 幼竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Archer) Subjugation Battle : Young Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 415
(10 per AP)
(110 per AP)
(142 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 55 Class-Archer-Gold 156,263 HP
Random 1 of: Archer of "Red"
Lvl 60 Class-Archer-Gold 107,608 HP
Archer of "Black"
Lvl 10 Class-Archer-Gold 52,640 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Horsehorn Phoenix Plume Meteoric horseshoe Stimulus Gunpowder Archer monument Archer piece Dragon Coin1,500 Dragon Coin2,400 Dragon Coin3,000 Chalk of The Sage3 QPicon200K QPicon300K QPicon360K QPicon400K QPicon460K QPicon500K

Forest of Delusions
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔弓〕討伐戦 成竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Archer) Subjugation Battle : Adult Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 615
(15 per AP)
(160 per AP)
(392 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 75 Class-Archer-Gold 274,265 HP
Random 1 of: Archer of "Red"
Lvl 76 Class-Archer-Gold 179,348 HP
Archer of "Black"
Lvl 25 Class-Archer-Gold 86,072 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Horsehorn Phoenix Plume Meteoric horseshoe Stimulus Gunpowder Archer monument Archer piece Dragon Coin2,300 Dragon Coin2,700 Dragon Coin4,500 Chalk of The Sage3 QPicon300K QPicon400K QPicon410K QPicon460K QPicon500K

Forest of Delusions
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔弓〕討伐戦 邪竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Archer) Subjugation Battle : Evil Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 815
(20 per AP)
(210 per AP)
(742 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 85 Class-Archer-Gold 406,647 HP
Random 1 of: Archer of "Red"
Lvl 85 Class-Archer-Gold 271,781 HP
Archer of "Black"
Lvl 60 Class-Archer-Gold 119,924 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Horsehorn Phoenix Plume Meteoric horseshoe Stimulus Gunpowder Archer monument Archer piece Dragon Coin3,000 Dragon Coin6,000 Chalk of The Sage3-5 QPicon300K QPicon400K QPicon460K QPicon500K QPicon520K
  • Disguise Mimesis: Heaven's Feel Mimicry gets Defense Up each time it receives damage, for 3 turns. [Unremovable]


Next Raid Appearance - Battle 4: HGOBCity Arrow 3, Mountain Ridge of Daybreak Battle 1: Arrow 5,
Battle 4: HGOBCity Arrow 5 to ??? 6, Mountain Ridge of Daybreak Battle 1: Arrow 7, ??? Battle 4: Arrow 9.
Prairie of Battle Cries
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔槍〕討伐戦 幼竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Lancer) Subjugation Battle : Young Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 456
(11 per AP)
(110 per AP)
(142 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 55 Class-Lancer-Gold 156,103 HP
Random 1 of: Lancer of "Red"
Lvl 29 Class-Lancer-Gold 106,329 HP
Lancer of "Black"
Lvl 41 Class-Lancer-Gold 103,275 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Bloodstone Tear Cursed Beast Cholecyst Iron Stake Unlucky bone Lancer monument Lancer piece Dragon Coin1,500 Dragon Coin2,400 Dragon Coin3,000 Ilias Iliadis Charti3 QPicon200K QPicon420k QPicon520k

Prairie of Battle Cries
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔槍〕討伐戦 成竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Lancer) Subjugation Battle : Adult Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 615
(15 per AP)
(160 per AP)
(392 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 75 Class-Lancer-Gold 269,912 HP
Random 1 of: Lancer of "Red"
Lvl 65 Class-Lancer-Gold 184,032 HP
Lancer of "Black"
Lvl 53 Class-Lancer-Gold 179,010 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Bloodstone Tear Cursed Beast Cholecyst Iron Stake Unlucky bone Lancer monument Lancer piece Dragon Coin2,300 Dragon Coin2,700 Dragon Coin4,500 Ilias Iliadis Charti3 QPicon300K QPicon480K

Prairie of Battle Cries
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔槍〕討伐戦 邪竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Lancer) Subjugation Battle : Evil Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 815
(20 per AP)
(210 per AP)
(742 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 85 Class-Lancer-Gold 409,111 HP
Random 1 of: Lancer of "Red"
Lvl 73 Class-Lancer-Gold 273,321 HP
Lancer of "Black"
Lvl 73 Class-Lancer-Gold 272,646 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Bloodstone Tear Cursed Beast Cholecyst Iron Stake Unlucky bone Lancer monument Lancer piece Dragon Coin3,000 Dragon Coin6,000 Ilias Iliadis Charti3-5 QPicon300k QPicon400K QPicon500k QPicon520k


Next Raid Appearance - Battle 3:Forest of Delusions Arrow 4 ~ ??? Arrow 6,
??? Battle 4: Arrow 7, ??? Battle 2: Arrow 8, ??? Battle 3: Arrow 9.
Withered Battlefield
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔騎〕討伐戦 幼竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Rider) Subjugation Battle : Young Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 456
(11 per AP)
(110 per AP)
(142 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 55 Class-Rider-Gold 156,103 HP
Random 1 of: Rider of "Black"
Lvl 53 Class-Rider-Gold 102,785 HP
Rider of "Red"
Lvl 7 Class-Rider-Gold 46,830 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Bizarre God Wine Primordial Lanugo Octuplet Twin Crystals Permafrost Ice Crystal Rider monument Rider piece Dragon Coin1000 Dragon Coin1600 Dragon Coin2000 Hippogriff Plushie3 QPicon200K QPicon360K
  • Propagation Mimesis (繁殖擬態, Hanshoku Gitai??): Heaven's Feel Mimicry will heal itself upon receiving damage. (3 turns) [Unremovable]
  • Rider of "Red" Buffs
    • Golden Mistletoe: Reduced Damage Taken by this Servant for 5 turns. [Unremovable]

Withered Battlefield
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔騎〕討伐戦 成竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Rider) Subjugation Battle : Adult Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 615
(15 per AP)
(160 per AP)
(392 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 75 Class-Rider-Gold 274,265 HP
Random 1 of: Rider of "Black"
Lvl 73 Class-Rider-Gold 180,368 HP
Rider of "Red"
Lvl 25 Class-Rider-Gold 92,355 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Bizarre God Wine Primordial Lanugo Octuplet Twin Crystals Permafrost Ice Crystal Rider monument Rider piece Dragon Coin1500 Dragon Coin1800 Dragon Coin3000 Hippogriff Plushie3 QPicon300K QPicon410K QPicon500K
  • Propagation Mimesis (繁殖擬態, Hanshoku Gitai??): Heaven's Feel Mimicry will heal itself upon receiving damage. (3 turns) [Unremovable]
  • Divine Blessings: Drains Heaven's Feel Mimicry's NP Tick by 1, then Increases the NP tick of an ally by 1.
  • Rider of "Red" Buffs
    • Golden Mistletoe: Reduced Damage Taken by this Servant for 5 turns. [Unremovable]

Withered Battlefield
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔騎〕討伐戦 邪竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Rider) Subjugation Battle : Evil Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 815
(20 per AP)
(210 per AP)
(742 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 85 Class-Rider-Gold 409,111 HP
Random 1 of: Rider of "Black"
Lvl 81 Class-Rider-Gold 275,494 HP
Rider of "Red"
Lvl 60 Class-Rider-Gold 124,500 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Bizarre God Wine Primordial Lanugo Octuplet Twin Crystals Permafrost Ice Crystal Rider monument Rider piece Dragon Coin3000 Dragon Coin6000 Hippogriff Plushie3-5 QPicon300K QPicon400K QPicon460K QPicon500K
  • Propagation Mimesis (繁殖擬態, Hanshoku Gitai??): Heaven's Feel Mimicry will heal itself upon receiving damage. (3 turns) [Unremovable]
  • Divine Blessings: Drains Heaven's Feel Mimicry's NP Tick by 1, then Increases the NP tick of an ally by 1.
  • Rider of "Red" Buffs
    • Golden Mistletoe: Reduced Damage Taken by this Servant for 5 turns. [Unremovable]


Next Raid Appearance - Forest of Delusions Battle 3: Arrow 3, ??? Battle 1: Arrow 4,
Battle 2: Prairie of Battle Cries Arrow 5 to 7, ??? Battle 4: Arrow 8, ??? Battle 3: Arrow 9.
Grove of Inheritance
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔術〕討伐戦 幼竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Caster) Subjugation Battle : Young Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 415
(10 per AP)
(110 per AP)
(142 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 55 Class-Caster-Gold 156,263 HP
Random 1 of: Caster of "Red"
Lvl 69 Class-Caster-Bronze 106,380 HP
Caster of "Black"
Lvl 58 Class-Caster-Silver 104,941 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Scarab of Wisdom Snake jewel Infinity Gear Forbidden Page Caster monument Caster piece Dragon Coin1,500 Dragon Coin2,400 Dragon Coin3,000 Ilias Iliadis Charti3 QPicon200K QPicon360K

Grove of Inheritance
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔術〕討伐戦 成竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Caster) Subjugation Battle : Adult Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 615
(15 per AP)
(160 per AP)
(392 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 75 Class-Caster-Gold 269,912 HP
Random 1 of: Caster of "Red"
Lvl 75 Class-Caster-Bronze 173,399 HP
Caster of "Black"
Lvl 75 Class-Caster-Silver 179,017 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Scarab of Wisdom Snake jewel Infinity Gear Forbidden Page Caster monument Caster piece Dragon Coin2,300 Dragon Coin2,700 Dragon Coin4,500 Ilias Iliadis Charti3 QPicon300K QPicon410K QPicon500K

Grove of Inheritance
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔術〕討伐戦 邪竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Caster) Subjugation Battle : Evil Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 815
(20 per AP)
(210 per AP)
(742 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 85 Class-Caster-Gold 409,111 HP
Random 1 of: Caster of "Red"
Lvl 90 Class-Caster-Bronze 271,269 HP
Caster of "Black"
Lvl 90 Class-Caster-Silver 274,081 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Scarab of Wisdom Snake jewel Infinity Gear Forbidden Page Caster monument Caster piece Dragon Coin3,000 Dragon Coin6,000 Ilias Iliadis Charti3-5 QPicon300K QPicon400K QPicon460K QPicon500K


Next Raid Appearance - ??? Battle 1: Arrow 2, ??? Battle 4: Arrow 4,
??? Battle 1: Arrow 6, ??? Battle 3: Arrow 7, ??? Battle 2: Arrow 9.
Forest of Delusions
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔殺〕討伐戦 幼竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Assassin) Subjugation Battle : Young Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 415
(10 per AP)
(110 per AP)
(142 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 55 Class-Assassin-Gold 156,263 HP
Random 1 of: Assassin of "Black"
Lvl 36 Class-Assassin-Gold 104,107 HP
Assassin of "Red"
Lvl 42 Class-Assassin-Gold 103,474 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Heart of a foreign god Black Tallow Chains of The Fool Void's Refuse Assassin monument Assassin piece Dragon Coin1,500 Dragon Coin2,400 Dragon Coin3,000 Chalk of The Sage3 QPicon200K QPicon300K QPicon400K QPicon420K QPicon460K

Forest of Delusions
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔殺〕討伐戦 成竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Assassin) Subjugation Battle : Adult Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 615
(15 per AP)
(160 per AP)
(392 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 75 Class-Assassin-Gold 269,912 HP
Random 1 of: Assassin of "Black"
Lvl 63 Class-Assassin-Gold 180,283 HP
Assassin of "Red"
Lvl 54 Class-Assassin-Gold 179,091 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Heart of a foreign god Black Tallow Chains of The Fool Void's Refuse Assassin monument Assassin piece Dragon Coin2,300 Dragon Coin2,700 Dragon Coin4,500 Chalk of The Sage3 QPicon300K QPicon400K QPicon460K QPicon470K

Forest of Delusions
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔殺〕討伐戦 邪竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Assassin) Subjugation Battle : Evil Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 815
(20 per AP)
(210 per AP)
(742 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 85 Class-Assassin-Gold 409,111 HP
Random 1 of: Assassin of "Black"
Lvl 72 Class-Assassin-Gold 272,964 HP
Assassin of "Red"
Lvl 60 Class-Assassin-Gold 271,953 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Heart of a foreign god Black Tallow Chains of The Fool Void's Refuse Assassin monument Assassin piece Dragon Coin2,000 Dragon Coin3,000 Dragon Coin4,000 Dragon Coin6,000 Chalk of The Sage3-5 QPicon300K QPicon400K QPicon460K QPicon500K QPicon520K


Next Raid Appearance - Hermit's Grotto Battle 1: Arrow 3,
Prairie of Battle Cries Battle 2: Arrow 4, ??? Battle 5: Arrow 7, ??? Battle 3: Arrow 8, ??? Battle 5: Arrow 9.
ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔狂〕討伐戦 幼竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Berserker) Subjugation Battle : Young Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 415
(10 per AP)
(110 per AP)
(142 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 55 Class-Berserker-Gold 156,263 HP
Random 1 of: Berserker of "Red"
Lvl 58 Class-Berserker-Bronze 103,170 HP
Berserker of "Black"
Lvl 30 Class-Berserker-Gold 106,362 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Talon of chaos Lamp of Demon Sealing Yggdrasil Seed Magical Cerebrospinal Fluid icon Berserker monument Berserker piece Dragon Coin1000 Dragon Coin2000 Dragon Coin4600 QPicon400K QPicon500K

ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔狂〕討伐戦 成竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Berserker) Subjugation Battle : Adult Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 615
(15 per AP)
(160 per AP)
(392 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 75 Class-Berserker-Gold 274,265 HP
Random 1 of: Berserker of "Red"
Lvl Class-Berserker-Bronze HP
Berserker of "Black"
Lvl 54 Class-Berserker-Gold 179,633 HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Talon of chaos Lamp of Demon Sealing Yggdrasil Seed Magical Cerebrospinal Fluid icon Berserker monument Berserker piece Dragon Coin1000 Dragon Coin2000 Dragon Coin4600 QPicon400K QPicon500K

ヘブンズフィール・ミミクリー〔狂〕討伐戦 邪竜級
Heaven's Feel Mimicry (Berserker) Subjugation Battle : Evil Dragon
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
40 815
(20 per AP)
(210 per AP)
(742 per AP)
Fatal Battle 1/1 Heaven's Feel Mimicry
Lvl 55 Class-Berserker-Gold 406,647 HP
Random 1 of: Berserker of "Red"
Lvl 90 Class-Berserker-Bronze 269,328 HP
Berserker of "Black"
Lvl Class-Berserker-Gold HP
Notable Drops CEIcon796 CEIcon795 CEIcon797 Talon of chaos Lamp of Demon Sealing Yggdrasil Seed Magical Cerebrospinal Fluid icon Berserker monument Berserker piece Dragon Coin3000 Dragon Coin12,000 QPicon520K
