Translation🛈🛈|nbx= for north american localization release and |bx = for fan english translation
NA Localization:
One of the best-known heroes of Greek myth.
He swept through life like a swift wind, but at the same time, he had a manner that made him worthy of being called a hero.
His mother once asked him whether he wanted to live an ordinary life of peace and tranquility or die a famed hero. He chose the latter without hesitation.
The Achilles tendon is named for the legend of Achilles's one and only weakness, as he was otherwise immortal.
Fan Translation:
One of the most prominent heroes in Greek mythology.
One that swept through his life like a gale, while shining with a brilliance befitting the title of a hero.
It's said that when asked by his Mother whether he'd like to live a normal and peaceful life or die like a hero, he chose the latter without hesitation.
According to the legends, the only weak point of Achilles, who possessed an invulnerable body, was his Achilles heel.
Bond 1
属性:秩序・中庸 副属性:地 性別:男性
NA Localization:
Height/Weight: 185cm, 97kg
Origin: Greek Mythology
Region: Greece
Alignment: Lawful-Balanced
Gender: Male
Weakness: Being struck in the heel and having his heart ripped out. After raging about for a while, he will eventually die. That's...quite a weakness...
Fan Translation:
Height/Weight: 185cm ・ 97kg
Source: Greek Mythology
Country of Origin: Greece
Alignment: Lawful・Balanced
Attribute: Earth
Gender: Male
Weak point: When his heel was pierced and his heart gouged out,
he went on a rampage and subsequently died. What a weak point.
Bond 2
NA Localization:
The Trojan War started because Hektor's younger brother Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband, Menelaus. Many heroes and kings fought over Helen and they all vowed to come to her aid if she was ever abducted.
This had little to do with Achilles, who was very young when the vow was made. However, when it was prophesied that the war could not be won without Peleus's son, the Achaean forces were quick to recruit Achilles.
Fan Translation:
The Trojan War was triggered by Hector's brother, Paris who kidnapped Menelaus' wife, Helen.
When heroes and kings were competing for Helen, they made an oath that if Helen were to be kidnapped, they would come running to rescue her without fail.
...However, the Achilles who was very young back then had nothing to do with that oath.
He was scouted by the Achaean army after it was prophecized that the battle couldn't be won if the son of Peleus did not participate.
Bond 3
NA Localization:
Achilles was the son of the goddess Thetis and the hero Peleus. It was said that his fate was determined even in his youth. Knowing this, his mother, Thetis, tried to make him as close to the gods as possible by granting him immortality. To do this, she immolated Achilles's body in sacred flames in an attempt to burn away his impure human blood. In another version of this story, Thetis is said to have dipped Achilles in the river Styx.
To do this, though, would strip Achilles of his humanity entirely, so Peleus forbade Achilles from becoming completely immortal.
Thetis returned to her home, and Peleus, after careful consideration, entrusted Achilles to the sage Chiron for training. As Chiron was a good friend of Peleus, he was willing to take the boy on, and so Achilles began his training as a hero under the famed mentor, Chiron.
A few years later, Achilles grew to be a proud young man. He eagerly joined in the Trojan war when recruited by the Achaeans.
Obviously, Achilles had no idea about the tragedy awaiting him in Troy. But, even had he known what was in store for him, he would likely not have done anything differently.
Fan Translation:
It's said that Achilles, born to the goddess Thetis and the hero Peleus, had his fate decided at a very young age.
Worried about his son, Thetis, for the sake of having him join the ranks of the immortal gods, roasted his whole body in sacred flames so his impure mortal blood would evaporate (according to another theory, he was soaked in the waters of the River Styx).
However, such an act was akin to destroying Achilles as a human being so his Father, Peleus, strongly opposed making him a complete immortal.
The goddess Thetis returned to her birthplace and the hero Peleus, after thinking it over, left Achilles in the sage Chiron's custody, wishing for him to raise the young child.
As a friend of Peleus, Chiron was more than happy to accept his request and Achilles received the upbringing of a hero by Greece's most renowned teacher.
A few years later, Achilles who splendidly grew to adulthood, was asked to participate in the Trojan War and he triumphantly departed.
―――Of course, he was not aware of the tragedy that waited ahead, but even if he knew, the advance couldn't be stopped.
Bond 4
ランク:A+ 種別:対人(自身)宝具
レンジ:0 最大捕捉:1人
ランク:B 種別:対人(自身)宝具
レンジ:0 最大捕捉:1人
ランク:B+ 種別:対人宝具
レンジ:2~10 最大捕捉:1人
NA Localization:
Drómos Komḗtēs
Rank: A+
NP Type: Anti-Personnel (Self)
Range: 0
Maximum Targets: 1
Comet Running Style.
Normally, this would be a Noble Phantasm.
A Noble Phantasm that is active as soon as he dismounts his Troias Tragōidia. This is the actualization of the legend that Achilles was the swiftest runner among all the heroes, in all of time. He can sprint across a vast battlefield in the space of a breath, and no obstacle can slow him. He must expose his heel, his sole weakness, in order to run, but only a handful of Heroic Spirits can catch him, as fast as he is.
Andreíos Amárantos
Rank: B
NP Type: Anti-Personnel (Self)
Range: 0
Maximum Targets: 1
The Amaranth of the Brave.
Normally, this would be a Noble Phantasm.
A blessing of immortality, save for his heel, bestowed upon him by his mother Thetis.
Nullifies all attacks. However, those with the Divinity skill may negate this effect.
Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē
Rank: B+
NP Type: Anti-Personnel
Range: 2 – 10
Maximum Targets: 1
The Spearhead Traveling through the Skies.
Normally, this would be a Noble Phantasm.
This can be activated by dismounting the Troias Tragōidia.
A spear that Chiron gave to Achilles's parents when they married.
With his opponent's consent, this powerful magecraft creates a realm similar to a Reality Marble expressly for a duel between the two heroes.
However, as he was not summoned as a Lancer, a portion of his abilities, such as inflicting incurable curses, are not available.
Fan Translation:
Comet Running Form
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Noble Phantasm
Range: 0
Maximum Number of Targets: 1
Originally a Noble Phantasm.
A continuously invoked Noble Phantasm that is activated upon descending the 『Immortal Chariot of Storms and Raging Waves』.
The embodiment of the legend of being the fastest among all heroes of every era.
Dashing through a vast battlefield in the blink of an eye, even if there are obstacles on the field, his speed won't falter.
Although he must expose his weak point, his Achilles heel, there are few Heroic Spirits who could catch up with his speed.
Amaranth of the Brave
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Noble Phantasm
Range: 0
Maximum Number of Targets: 1
Originally a Noble Phantasm.
The blessing of immortality was bestowed on his whole body with the exception of his heel by his Mother, the goddess Thetis.
Any kind of attack is invalidated, however, those who hold the inherent skill 『Divinity』 can negate the effects of this skill.
Spear-tip of the Star Traversing the Skies
Rank: B+
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 2~10
Maximum Number of Targets: 1
Originally a Noble Phantasm.
After descending the 『Immortal Chariot of Storms and Raging Waves』, it becomes available for use.
A long spear gifted by Chiron to Achilles' parents when they married.
Endowed with High-Thaumaturgy capable of constructing an arena comparable to a Reality Marble where fellow heroes can duke it out one-on-one, but only if the opponent has agreed to it.
As a result of not being summoned as a Lancer, the curse of denied healing is lost.
Bond 5
ランク:A 種別:対軍宝具
レンジ:2~60 最大捕捉:50人
ランク:A+ 種別:結界宝具
レンジ:0 最大捕捉:1人
NA Localization:
『Troias Tragōidia』
Rank: A
NP Type: Anti-Army
Range: 2 - 60
Maximum Targets: 50
The Immortal Chariot of Raging Storms.
A three-horse chariot. Two of them are divine horses that were gifted to Achilles from Poseidon, while the third is a famous horse that Achilles stole. With godly speed, the chariot dashes through the battlefield. The faster it goes, the more damage it will do. At top speed, it can mow down anything in its path.
『Akhilleús Kósmos』
Rank: A+
NP Type: Boundary
Range: 0
Maximum Targets: 1
A Miniature World that Encapsulates the Blue Sky.
A defensive Noble Phantasm that rivals Rho Aias.
The shield is said to be made by Hephaestus, the god of the forge. Achilles's world is projected onto the shield, and the ocean current created by the god of the sea encircles the shield's outer rim. Those who come up against this shield are facing his entire world. When it is activated, it can defend even against Anti-Fortress and Anti-Nation Noble Phantasms.
This is not used in FGO.
Fan Translation:
Tempestuous Immortal Chariot
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 2~60
Maximum Number of Targets: 50
Troias Tragōidia.
A chariot pulled by three stallions. The animals are two immortal divine horses given by the Sea God Poseidon and a single fine horse plundered from a certain city.
It tramples down the battlefield by means of divine speed. It is possible to bestow additional damage in proportion to the rise in speed. At maximum velocity, this is just like a giant, dashing lawnmower.
The Miniature World Enclosed by the Azure Sky
Rank: A+
Type: Bounded Field Noble Phantasm
Range: 0
Maximum Number of Targets: 1
Akhilleus Kosmos.
A defensive bounded field Noble Phantasm comparable to Rho Aias.
A shield supposedly created by the Blacksmith God Hephaistos. It projects the very world that Achilleus saw in life, and the ocean currents from the Sea God whirl at the outer sections.
To oppose this shield means to challenge the world, so it can even fend off Anti-Fortress・Anti-Country Noble Phantasms upon activation.
Fundamentally not employed in "FGO".
April Fool
Delinquent-Type Servant
A great and truly famous superhero. He came by bicycle, but he's actually faster on foot. Has sensitive heels.