Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Info account linking 01

1) Account Linking

Info account linking 02

2) Link Aniplex Online Account

Info account linking 03

3) Account Login/Registration

Account Linking (アカウント連携??) allows you to bind your account to a non-FGO service, in this case, Aniplex Online. Account Linking can be done in My Room.

  1. Tap Account Linking (アカウント連携) in the My Room menu.
  2. Tap Link Aniplex Online Account (アニプレックス オンラインとのアカウント連携する) in the Account Linking screen.
  3. Player will be transitioned to a browser page with a login interface for Aniplex Online
    • For players who already had an Aniplex Online account beforehand, they can choose to just login using their Aniplex Online account's Email and Password, then tap the Login button
    • For players without Aniplex Online account, they can tap the New Member Registration (新会員登録の方はこちら) button instead, which brings up a registration form.
    • Enter your Email Address (メールアドレス), Password (パスワード) and Confirm Your Password (パスワード 確認)
    • Alternatively, players can also choose to register at Aniplex Online website directly, but actual Japanese name in KANJI, Japanese name in Furigana (using Katakana) and actual Japanese Mailing Address is needed to complete the registration process, as opposed to the simple account creation process inside the Fate/Grand Order App's Account Linking section
  4. After that, a success message will pop up

4) Success

Transferring Account using Aniplex Online[]

Info account transfer 01

1) Transfer Account Button

Info account transfer 02

2) Account Transfer Screen

Info account transfer 03

3) Aniplex Login

Info account transfer 04

4) Email OTP

Info account transfer 05

5) Confirmation

  1. Similar to Device Transfer (Bind Code Method), tap the same button to enter the account transfer screen.
  2. The screen will show your new device's account status, and 2 buttons, one for Bind Code (on the left), and Aniplex Online (on the right). Click the Use Aniplex Online Account button
  3. Players will be transitioned to the Browser with Aniplex Online login page. Login with your Aniplex Online email and password, and then click the login button.
    • For devices that already had an existing Fate/Grand Order data (account), the account status will display the account's UID, Master Name and Master Rank (Level). The button on the left is to Cancel Account Transfer, and on the right is to Use Aniplex Online Account login
  4. After logging in, players will receive an email with a 6 digit OTP, which they will need to enter these 6 digits on the next screen after logging in. Max time limit for the OTP is 30 minutes, after that the OTP will be voided
  5. After successful verification, there will be a popup confirmation to actually proceed with the Account Transfer to the new device, where the players will have to swipe the bar to the right then tap the Confirm button
  6. After that, a success message will pop up

6) Success


  • Device Transfer Number feature remains in the app permanently (as of May 7, 2024 18:00 JST), but players who linked their account with Aniplex Online will have their previous bind code voided and the access to Device Transfer will be disabled.
  • Players can choose to unlink their Aniplex Online Account, which will reopen the access to Device Transfer menu

Device Transfer Disabled
